Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Godwin |
Today we take a look at Snowbird’s REV,
one of the Alpha Flight members in Mutant Mayhem.
- Snowbird is an odd bird when it comes to Moveability. Her
Rookie starts with a Speed of 9 combined with Flight and Stealth. Not to
bad. She can easily move around and hide in cover as well as carry someone.
On her second click though she gains Earth Bound and so loses Flight (don’t
be Soaring if you push her). For the next three clicks she can only run
around like a Dodo before she can fly again. She does gain Stealth on her
last click, but I don’t know how much that will do. Her Experienced and
Veteran are similar except the Veteran has a starting Speed of 10.
- All three versions have a Range of 0 so you will have to do your damage
face to face. The Rookie’s Attack starts at 8, but goes to 9 on the second
click before it begins to drop again. It seems the first click is sort of
an activation click (someone who has read Alpha Flight can probably tell
you) so when you go into combat its best to have her on her second click.
The Experienced starts with an Attack of 9 and keeps it for 3 clicks which
is nice, while the Veteran starts at 9 goes up to 10 and back to 9 for 2
clicks. Overall though Snowbird has a slightly below average attack with
the Veteran seeming to get the most even for a 93 point figure.
Damage –
Forget the 2 that each of the REVs starts with because their Damage doesn’t
really count until the second click. There they all get a Damage of 3 with
Blades/ Claws / Fangs. I would always prefer a Damage of 2 with BCF because
it makes choosing to use BCF easier. Anyway they all get a fairly deep dial
of BCF and as the natural Damage drops it becomes more effective to use BCF.
She really takes the form of a typical BCF slasher so use her accordingly in
that department.
– Again ignore the 15 with Toughness that each REV starts with. Her Defense
is defined on her second click where all three have a 15 Defense with
Invulnerability. Reduce damage by 2 is good, but Defense where almost
anyone can hit you is bad. Only the Veteran gets more then one click of
Invulnerability and all of them follow it up with 3 or 4 clicks of
Toughness. With only a 13 or 14 Defense towards the end of her dial though
she won’t stand up to Damage long. Overall her value will depend on how
long you can keep her on a click with Invulnerability. Otherwise I think
she will fade fast.
– I have to say that I really like the sculpture for her. It
stands out as different then some other figures and gives her a pronounced
presence. The Avengers team ability gives her a free move action so it can
be useful but nothing major. As for game play experience I used the Veteran
once, but I hung her out to dry and so she got KO’d so quickly I didn’t get
a feel for how effective she might be.
Playability –
I just don’t know about this figure. I look at her and see a slightly puffed
up version of a BCF brawler that can be found in abundance in the Indy set.
I think the Rookie can be used effectively to get your point value out of
her, but the Experienced seems too pricey for what you get. The Veteran
looks nice, but then I look at her cost and at 93 points I just think that
Defense of 15, no matter if she has Invulnerability or not, is her Achilles
heal. Still if you want to play a themed Alpha Flight team she is a must.
Overall Score: (Out of 10. Score of: 4
= horrible, 5 = below average, 6 = slightly above average, 7 = great, 8 =
Rookie – 6.3
Experienced – 6.1
Veteran – 6.2
skilanky64 |
Well, Snowbird
I don't personally have one, but I have a Narya, not so
good, but its a Super Rare so...(hey...)
at 64, 77, 93 points, it is truly not worth its points. I
like the Avenger Ability, but mayb for a better character like Wonder
Except for the Vet, they all stink.
The vet has stealth and toughness first click, then it
gains earthbound :( but gains blades claws fangs and invulnerability.
Also, its attach and damage raise, but it has no range,
so kinda bad
It loses earthbound a little bit later, but its not that
I would personally never use this piece, but hey, you
might find a use for it!
100 No way
200 4/5 this is where I would use it maybe
300 1/5
400 -500/5
Keep clicking, and I'll have more next week!
Stormwolf |
Todays click is Snowbird. A member of Alpha Flight,
Snowbird is A demi-god with the mystical ability to assume the form
of any animal whose natural habitat is the Canadian arctic north.
Lets see if the figure stands up to such lofty ambition.
My first fault with the figure isn't directly her,
but rather her team ability. I believe a new team ability should
have been created rather than just lumping them in with the
Avengers. I mean, Alpha Flight is actually way closer to Wolverine
and the X-Men than the Avengers. But that's just a minor gripe.
Point Cost:
Rookie: 64, with 6 clicks of health
Experienced: 77, with 7 clicks of
Veteran: 93, with 8 clicks of
LE: 66, with 7 clicks of health
Snowbird starts off with 9 move with stealth in her rookie and
experienced versions, and a 10 move for the Vet. The next click sees
a drop to 8 move and earthbound on all three versions. earthbound
stays for 3 clicks, and signifies Snowbirds transformation from the
human form to her own version of Sasquatch. After these clicks, the
earthbound is lifted, and the dial weakens until she rounds out with
8 move and stealth on the final click of all three versions.
Opening dial is 8 on the rookie, 9 on the experinced and vet. After
1 click, she gains blades/claws/fangs all the way through until her
final click at a rate of 6.
Starts off at 15, and after 1 click she gains invulnerable for a
click (2 for the Vet), then toughness all the way through until her
final click at a rate of 14
Begins at 2, after 1 click, goes up to 3 for 1 click for the rookie,
2 for the experienced, 3 for the vet. After this it drops to 2 until
the final click, where it drops to one.
The LE version of Snowbird is very similar to the REV set, with the
exceptions of she gets 2 clicks of super strength before she gets
the Blades/Claws/Fangs, and she never has invulnerable, only
really like the sculpt for Snowbird. It's very simple in its design,
but very elegant and eye-catching. Nicely done, WizKids!
Overall, I think Snowbird would be an interesting
piece to use in friendly play, but I can't see her becoming a major
force in fixed tournaments or even sealed booster. Her stats are a
little too low, and the earthbound, while faithful to the comic
character, hurts this figure quite a bit.
Overall rating:
Spy 1234 |
I am the luckiest person on earth! I've pulled three rev sets
of her so far, some people want shadow king and modok but not me!! give me
snowbird any day (and in case you couldn't catch that sarcasm I'll throw in
a "I like her better than superman") seriously what a piece of junk and I
dont use that phrase lightly. The rookie is the smallest waste of points so
I will focus my review on that. For 64 points you get a free moving BCF
piece. You can't even count her as a flier because she's grounded for half
her dial. 15 defense with invulnerability ain't bad but it isn't good
either. The exp and vet are just longer dialed versions of the same piece of
crap. The rookie wolverine from the same set does everything she can but for
49 points in fact any version of wolverine would be a better idea than her,
and the rookie one from ultimates can free move if you're into that.
Seriously even on an avengers theme team stay away, far far away. She
doesn't even deserve a spot on the bottom of the box, throw her away or give
her to new players.
100: 1.00/5 Just know
200: 1.01/5 You could win, if your opponent dies laughing
300: 1.02/5 Do you get the idea yet?
400: 1.02/5 Get it yet?
500: 1.02/5 Just stay away unless your playing a game where the looser has
to give up a piece of his choice.
So said the spy |
Light |
This is a hero I've never heard of, most likely since it
had to do with the Alpha Force and Avengers. I never really read
anything of their comics. Anyway it would seem that Snow Bird was
a Canadian Super Herione. She could morph into animals that were mostly
native to the Canadian area I would guess. Also her powers would weaken
the farther she went from Canada, reminded me alot of Captain Britain,
and his major weakness. Anyway, she apparently sacrificed her spirit to
save her son's spirit and life, by allowing a entity known as
Pestilence. Now Sasquatch now has taken over her body which in my
opinon is really weird as she returned home to the Eskimo Gods. First
off why is a Canadian Super Herione going to the Eskimo Gods when she
dies? The second question is the piece any good, well lets find out.
Set powers giving her a specific task
Flyer which means she can taxi
Avengers team ability meaning free movement
Powers are mediocre except for Stealth and Invulnerabilty
Weak stats
Has Earthbound power
Not worth point value.
All of her versions are very similar at the rookie you
have the basic outline of the other pieces except her stats are
obviously alittle weaker, and she doesn't have one power: Invulnerabilty.
In experienced form she gets one click of Invulerabilty and in veteran
she gets another one for a total of two. The major problem with this on
that same click you have earthbound on the second click. So if she is
placed in flying on her first click of health and takes at least one to
three click of damage she becomes earthbound and takes another click of
damage. However the Stealth helps her stay airbourne and immune to
ranged attacks as long as she is in hindering terrain and such. That is
about the only worry besides her weak stats, but it is a great big
problem that will lead you to defeat. With one to three clicks of
damage and if she is flying she will take more due to earthbound. This
will kill all her good stats and basically hand the victory points over
to your opponent. If you can pull a vet in sealed of this play it and
keep her grounded ignore any flying with her. In constructed there are
much better pieces to play with, and in casual do whatever you like just
be careful how you play her.
Constructed: 1 out of 5 (There are way to many better
Sealed: 2.5 out of 5
Casual: 1 out of 5