The Le |
I'll tell your right off the bat - I like
Talisman. For 68 points, this unique won't be in your front
lines dealing damage, but he will be in your secondary lines
wreaking havoc. He may not have a team affiliation, but he
does have a respectable range of 8. He only has 5 clicks of
life, but every one of those clicks count.

Let's get right into it. His first two
clicks of life are nearly identical, with only his defense
dropping from 17 to 16. Talisman has a very slow movement of
6, but Phasing lets him go wherever he wants. With a
respectable Attack Value of 9, his incapacitate will be able
to stop any big bruiser. The 2 clicks of Barrier are nice to
keep his allies alive (or himself), and his outwit is
perfect to screw over enemies. If you want to do some
damage, Talisman sports a Damage Value of 3 - great for any
Dropping to this third click, he retains his outwit and
phasing, loses incapacitate and barrier, but all his stats
are the same as the previous. More importantly, he now picks
up Psychic Blast (PB). Outwit, PB, and 3 damage? Pinch me
I'm dreamin'. Here's my tip for the day: if you're planning
on outwitting damage reduction somewhere, hit em' with PB
*before* you use outwit.
Talisman's last 2 clicks of life loses outwit, phasing, and
all of his stats drop. But not all is lost, because he also
gains 2 clicks of Stealth, and keeps his PB. Hopefully by
this point you will have found a nice shrub for him to hide
behind, because he can just blast away at anyone for 2
damage, all with his respectable range of 8. His stats may
be low at this point, but that drop in defense also makes
him a easier to heal.
This is just one fantastic piece all the way around. He
certainly is not a front liner attacker, but can be in a
pinch. Talisman's strengths are really in the secondary
lines as a support piece. You're not going to want to push
him too much, but he certainly packs enough of a punch if
you do want to. Outwit, incapacitate, barrier, range of 8,
and psychic blast? I'll buy that for a dollar. Or twenty.
That's about it. I gotta go now and see if I can find him on
Rating: 5 out of 5. (fantastic support piece for 68 points)
--The' Le