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HeroClix "Click of the Day"

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Armor Wars

Reviewed 10.21.2005

Average Rating: 3.5

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating




Today we'll be reviewing Aurora from Armor Wars


Aurora is probably from Alpha Flight, but I don’t know anything about her?  Oh wait, yes I do.  She looks hot!


Rookie:  50, Avengers, 5 Clicks, 0 range with a single target


Experienced:  60 points, Avengers, 5 Clicks, 8 range with a single target


Veteran:  65 points, No Team, 6 Clicks, 8 range with a single target


WHICH IS BETTER?:  Wow, mass differences in the characters here.  The rookie is pretty much like rookie Northstar.  Rookie Northstar is pretty useless due to the low attack.  So rookie Aurora is definitely not the best.  The experienced is a very similar to experienced Northstar, but with a push click.  However that 8 range makes her much better, but the battle fury makes her much worse.  The Avengers team helps A LOT though.  Finally we have a 65 point healer with running shot and an 8 range.  She seems pretty good, but then you have to look at Ghost Widow….who is so so so so so so so so so much better and manages to be cheaper as well J.  So I’m going to go with Northstar with a range.  The winner:  Experienced


MOVEMENT:  12 with running shot, then 11 and 10 with HSS and finishing off with flurry.


ATTACK:  9,9,8,8,8,7


DEFENSE:  (16,16,15,15 toughness), 14


DAMAGE:  2,2,2,2,1


SCULPT:  See above hot girl comment.


OVERALL:  Welcome to mediocreville, population Aurora

·                     Only 5 clicks, but with toughness, it is kinda like 6 clicks

·                     Avengers team has a lot usefulness

·                     She’s overpriced by about 5 to 8 points.

·                     Battle Fury in the middle of the dial is horrible.  Cutting off her ability to carry and shoot from afar.

·                     You may want to push click her, to get her to Hyper Sonic.

·                     Put In contact with Oracle on her.

·                     If you do push click her, she becomes a 4 click Thug….with HSS


I was a big fan of Northstar and used the experienced quite frequently.  The problem seemed to be, he always had too far to go in order to hit the enemy.  Aurora having the 8 range can make her hit and move, hit and move.  Your opponent will really have to exhaust resources in order to hit her.  Changing her to a Batman Team character and running her into stealth will really make her hard to hit.  Her stats are deeply mediocre, but HSS is an amazing ability and make her possibly a sleeper in this set.




Good, Bad, I’m the Guy with the Clix


Questions, comments, sexually confused?  email me at cramcompany@hotmail.com.

Please no hate mail


PS:  YES!  A 1 POINT POG!  I will except trades and or buy any of the new one point pogs!!!!  Send inquires to my email!


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