Today we'll be reviewing Invincible from
The Invincible Collectors Set
If there is a new transporter you PAY ATTENTION TO
THAT CLICK. Even if it’s a girl riding a unicorn or
a dog with a tuning fork on his head or a knight
riding a mechanical bull…. or a robot riding a hover
Wow, there have been a lot of dumb looking
No offense Lockjaw, I still love and need you.
Experienced: 92 points, Guardians of the Globe Team

He is a Transporter, which means he has Hypersonic
speed. He gets minus 2 from his attack value and he
can not make a Hyper Sonic Speed attack if he is
adjacent to an opposing character. Other then those
drawbacks he has Hyper Sonic Speed. He also can not
be knocked back and he can carry somebody.
Running Shot is not too bad, because if you’re close
enough (within 9 squares) you can make that attack
with out lowering your attack values. It’s nice to
have those options. Watch out for Earthbound at
the end because it not only means he’s not a flyer,
but it means he’s also a not a Transporter.
WOW, 9 is his lowest attack value.
17 with Toughness is nice at the beginning. 16 with
energy shield mean he’s very hard to hit. Later the
Combat Reflexes and high attack makes him dangerous,
but remember anybody can make a ranger attack on a
flyer so do not count on Combat Reflexes to save
your bacon.
Perplex, then Outwit, then Ranged Combat Expert
(Great on a Flyer) and finishing with Perplex.
Robot is half MAN and half AMAZING! Well, actually
I guess he is all Robot.. but he’s a good click.
Maybe he should have been riding a vacuum or
something else to put him in line with all the
ridiculous looking transporters.
Nanobots is so house on him it makes me want to
cry. Incontact, Protected and if you have too many
points) Heightened Reflexes will make him even
better. Do not use Brilliant Tactician, because
that card is terrible.
Hyper Sonic Speed, Perplex and a high attack is
Perplex, Outwit and being able to carry a figure
make him a perfect example of great secondary
Easy to Nanobots with
4 range is pretty funny, but will come in handy
His dial is a little short
Really impressive attack all the way down the dial
The best reason to buy the Invincible Collectors Set
Very Under-costed
I do wish he had Outwit on his opening click
Guardians of the Globe is a decent team ability.
For those of you who do not know that that ability
is; (If doubles are rolled in a successful
attack, that attack ALSO does Incapacitate, if Incap
is possible. Basically it is Stunning Blow
if you roll doubles and hit.)
But there is also going to be a feat card that can
change this team ability, but we do not know what it
will do. It might make him amazing.
Robot is the figure, he has some much that he can do
he might be a big target for your opponent. He’s
such perfect support that I expect to see him at
many tournament. He is also easily push-able and
seems to only get better, then you can just
Nanobots. A truly competitive player will probably
be able to use Outwit and then heal and use Perplex
or use Perplex then push to Outwit something. He’s
a little like Ambush Bug… if Ambush Bug was really
good not a waste of points.
Good, Bad, I’m the Guy with the Clix
Questions, comments, sexually
confused? Email me at
Please no hate mail
I will issue an open challenge for an OMAC LE or AN
Unique from Collateral Damage at the Chicago Wizard
World event this weekend!
The rules are:
Build an ULTRA competitive 300 point team
This will be a timed event of 50 minutes
You can pick a battle field card of your choice
AFTER you see my team
I will pick one of the ones I am playing to defend
my championship. I will not pick Ordinary Day
I only have a limited time there on Friday or
Saturday, but will be at the play area most of those
You will only get the LE or Unique if you beat.
I can refuse to play you if I feel you team is not
competitive enough.
You can build or rebuild your team after seeing my
Contact me at if you’re interested.