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HeroClix "Click of the Day"

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Abin Sur
Green Lantern Corp

Reviewed 08.29.2006

Average Rating: 3

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating

2006 Philly
Wizard World
Top 10 regional player in Chicago.


Edited by Jamie Lewis


Today we'll be reviewing Abin Sur from Green Lantern Corps Collectors Set


I thought Abin Sur was purple not black.  Weird choice.


Unique: 137 points, Green Lantern Team



MOVEMENT: This breaks this character.  He has running shot on his second click.  For this character that is unforgivable.  Forceblast may help against poison.


ATTACK: Nice high attack values.  TK is expected and welcomed, but the Energy Explosion is pointless.  Pulsewave at the end is very nice.


DEFENSE:  Ouch, Barrier to begin is terrible.  For his points, he is your main attacker and you don’t need him to be putting up Barriers.  He is Invulnerable on his second click, this mean that basically he has to be a push click character.  Toughness is alright, but I was hoping her would keep Invulnerability longer.  Willpower is always good.  Barrier AT THE END is nice.  His defense gets really low… which works if you’re healing him.


DAMAGE:  Three damage with Ranged Combat Expert is definitely house, but it’s on a click that is not that great.  So do you push him off it or not?  After his first click his damage is just awful.


SCULPT:  He looks angry, probably because he’s next to a cartoon Squirrel and Dog.


FEATS:  Nanobots is really important.  In Contact will help solve his damage problem, but so would some enhancement.  I wouldn’t put anything else on him.



*       That is one frustrating opening click

*       Very nice attack and decent defense

*       A mess of powers in the wrong places

*       Feels overpriced by about 50 points

*       It’ll be easy to get hit, before you land on damage reducers


For the points you’re just not getting that much.  I’m still not sure if you push him or if you try and TK him out to do some damage.  He’s very frustrating to figure out how to play effectively and when you are using almost a half of your point build, you should never be frustrated into figuring out how to play him.  He has basically one nice click, but even that beautiful second click does not have a high enough damage.  There are SOOO many better figures in this set, but they just got this one wrong.




Good, Bad, I’m the Guy with the Clix


Questions, comments, sexually confused?  Email me at cramcompany@hotmail.com.

Please no hate mail


Warning fun fact: Fruit of the Loom use Sweatshops in China to make your clothes.

Rurouni KJS Rookie Abin Sur
wing speed
137 points
Team: Green Lantern Corps
Range: 10 x 1

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
09 08 08 08 08 07 07 06 06
11 10 10 09 09 08 07 07 10
17 17 17 16 16 15 14 14 13
03 03 03 02 02 02 02 03 03

Powers and analysis:
1: Telekinesis, Barrier, Range Combat Expert
2: Running Shot, Telekinesis, Invulnerability
3: Running Shot, Telekinesis, Toughness
4: Force Blast, Energy Explosion, Toughness
5: Force Blast, Energy Explosion, Willpower
6: Telekinesis, Willpower
7: Telekinesis, Barrier
8: Pulse Wave, Barrier
9: Pulse Wave

As nice as that opening 11 attack value looks, Abin Sur isn't gonna take the go-to crown from his setmate Tomar Re without help. You see, you have to push off that first click to get the real battle-ready stuff, like Running Shot and Invulnerability. In doing so, you lose the RCE and drop down to a still-respectable 10. But you could save 25+ points and get better stats from the start with Tomar. You'll be giving up a nasty 10 AV Pulse Wave at the end, but what are the chances you'll actually get to use that? No, Abin Sur, the GL who gave Hal Jordan his ring, is dead for a reason -- because he kinda sucks for the points...

...UNLESS...you invest 20 points into TRICK SHOT to use on that solitary first click, then build a tank around him to carry. As long as you don't push him (or get Pulse Waved, or Energy Exploded) that 11 AV and ability to do 5+ damage could go a long way. If you opt not to use the tank tactic, use NANOBOTS on him so he can heal back to his first Running Shot click -- IF you feel like making him even more expensive.

Since he precedes Hal Jordan (and Hal's successors, the Cosmic Justice and Collateral Damage GLs), playing them together is pretty much a no-no (barring any time travel paradoxes). Also, I think Katma Tui and Arisia joined the Corps later.

Comic accurate?
Can't really say. He seems to have been a competent GL. The ending Pulse Wave is a nice nod to his last-ditch effort before crashing on Earth.

In sum:
Without the feat card, he's a decent 2nd attacker but overcosted by at least 10 points in my opinion. With the feat card, he's got to be the linchpin of a GL tank team.

Rating: 3/5.

Today's review is Abin Sur from Green Lantern Collector Set


He crash-lands to earth and gave Hal Jordan his ring…..he started it all.

 He is a Unique, 137 points,  10 range 1 target, 9 clicks of life, GLC member

Speed: 9,8,8,8,8,7,7,6,6  Running Shot clix 2-3, Force blast 2 after

Attack: 11,10,10,9,9,8,7,7,10  TK for 3, EE for 2, TK for 2, Pulse Wave for 2

Defense:   17,17,17,16,16,15,14,14,13  Barrier, Invuln, Tough for 2, Willpower for 2, barrier again for 2

Damage:  3,3,3,2,2,2,2,3,3  RCE for a click

The Good:  GLC and RCE always works great

      High attack

      Lots of pretty colors on dial

      Finally, a piece who can actually use PW at the end of the dial

      High Range

      Lots of support powers with the stats to be a main attacker

      Easy to ehal

The Bad:   3 damage for a main attacker is not good

    Need Protected, or he takes a big hit

    8 move running shot is not that amazing…but still good

Feats:   Protected is a must, ICWO for damage, Trick Shot is a tough call, because you can either keep him a tank or make him an attacker with a push.  Nanobots can keep him coming back for more.

Overall:    Well he’s no Tomar Re.  He can carry your forces, shoot through them for big damage, and can stick around a while with his decent dial length.  The lack of damage reducers means that when he is hit, he is hit hard.  He is easy to heal towards the end, and nanobots can work as well.  At these points though, he is going to be your primary attacker in a 300 point game, and I do not think he is good enough to warrant that spot.  He is a great piece in games 400 or more. 

Constructed/Unrestricted: 3 / 5

Sealed/Draft: N/A / 5


Overall:  3 / 5

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