Today we'll be reviewing Dr. Mid-Nite from
Collateral Damage
Long known as the superhero with the lamest super
power of all time. He took a special potion so he
can see in the dark. It’s the only power us normal
folks can achieve just by eating some carrots.
He was let into the JSA because of his cool looking
costume and sweet-arss Owl friend.
Rookie: 24 points, No Team

Experienced: 43 points, JSA Team

Veteran: 58 points, JSA Team

Who is the Best:
I’m going to cancel out the veteran right now.
That 16 defend strikes me as deeply useless. I like
the rookie a lot, 24 points for a stealthy medic is
pretty darn good. Is that better then 2 veteran
paramedics? Not really, but perhaps that is an
unfair comparison, because veteran paramedic is
ridiculously good. The Experienced is great too,
the Jane Foster style willpower on a medic is
great. I think the rookie, may be played more, but
then I would just be reviewing how good it is to
have a harder to kill medic, so today the
8 movement with a nice full dial of stealth.
9 is great on a medic, since you can not perplex up
attack while healing you need to actually have it on
the dial. Even when you hit him, his attack goes up
at the time. Oh yeah and he has smoke cloud.
16 with willpower, then nothing else.
2 with support is nice. You’ll never have to push
off that first click of support with willpower. But
you can cancel willpower to push on to your perplex
if you really need it.
This reminds me of the Mysterio sculpt which is one
of my favorites. I’ll take the leap and say this is
in my top two favorite sculpts from Collateral
4 range is not great, but it can’t hurt.
JSA team is not that abused of team ability, but
with the higher defense wildcards (OMAC, Iron Fist),
it could become a touch more useful.
9 attack means you’ll rarely miss a heal.
The two most devastating things you can do in a game
is heal a character or kill a character.
Ambush and Flashbang are both cheap feats that can
be used on the Good Dr.
When I first saw Dr. Mid-Nite, I though he would
change the game, but the more I think about it, the
less I think he will. Healing was such an under-costed
ability, that it is just impossible to compete with
the amazing Paramedic and Ghost Widow. Dr.
Mid-Night may be used a lot if Paramedic ever gets
rotated out, but until then, he’s probably going to
sit on the shelf. He’s still good, but not just the
as ridiculously good as the figures he’ll have to
replace on a team.
It should be noted, he’s a top pick in any draft.
Only behind any Hyper Sonic Speed Figure.
Good, Bad, I’m the Guy with the Clix
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