Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
Well first off, KC is my favorite
team, so I am happy to be getting another figure
from it. At 114 points hes relatively cheap KCer but
lets see what we get. First thing you need to notice
is the almost non-existent 4 range, combined with 3
clicks of battle fury. That, combined with his
giantess means he is a sitting duck. Fortunately his
18 defense will shield him relatively well, and the
invulnerability later will soak up some damage. The
flurry is there as almost an afterthought, but dont
forget about that extra square of adjacency giants
have. The late dial perplex can let him help out his
team if he gets hurt. Shape change is a relatively
useless power, but it gives him a pseudo impervious.
Super strength is pretty standard on a giant fig.
The charge will help out a little but without the
ability to taxi or TK him, he going to be hard to
maneuver. Basically, for theme and scenario play
200: 3.101/5 His stats are just right for here, tack
on a medic and a destiny and you are all set.
300: 2.985/5
400: 2.665/5
500: 2.919/5 Rate goes up here because his points
are less significant and you can use him in more of
a support roll for that barrier, even though its
only 4 range.