Today we'll be reviewing Giganta from The
Giants Special Edition
Giganta is the end of our Giants Week here on POJO
FIRST A WORD ABOUT GIANTS: Giant figures can see
and be seen through characters. They occupy an
extra row of squares. These figures can not be
telekinesised or carried, AND they can also not
carry other figures. Being a Giant figure makes you
a Giant target and a Giant liability. I think you
should minus 20 points if you’re a giant.
To learn more about the special conditions of giant
figures visit:
It is on page 16 of this rule book link.
WOW……………. As anybody every seen attack of the 50
Foot Center Fold? “Nuff” Said.
Experienced: 108 points, Injustice Team (still a
lame team name)

Charge is a decent starting ability. Earthbound???
Is she a flying Giant you ask? No, it means she is
no longer a Giant for the last two clicks.
Earthbound is really good thing and will make her
easy to heal.
Super Strength… seriously how is there a Giant that
does not have this ability?
Decent damage reducers for her cost. The Willpower
at the end will help her run to a medic easier.
Grrr, why no 4 on the first click? Why no perplex
and 3 damage? Why no Outwit and 7damage? Okay,
well that I understand, but why hold her off from
doing real damage?
Is it wrong for a man to have a crush on a Heroclix?
0 range, because why would anyone want to make a
range attack?
The Injustice team has just gotten a big boost.
The new The Society card, makes your
opponent roll to Outwit (similar to White Noise).
This will make her lot less of an Outwit target.
But remember your opponent can just outwit another
character, even if they lose the role.
Her Attack and defense are very conistent.
She has good brick potential.
Her Ending abilities make her always useful
It will be the only time you will say, “Yes,
Her damage drops too quickly, you will have to use
the perplex on her own damage…or attack.
Giganta is one of the more frustrating pieces in the
game. She has everything it takes to be great…she
can even use Brilliant Tactician…she is probably the
best candidate ever made for it, since she can see
over characters. Still I would not play that card,
because it is way too many points and too
conditional….anyway. Giganta is frustrating,
because she has all the right abilities and stats,
but in the wrong places. In an effort to make her
useful throughout the dial, she is never truly
good. The 4 damage on the second click, with the
lower defense and less damage reducing power is
really insulting. You can not treat it like a push
click, because she loses too much. Why can we not
front load a character anymore? I would have given
her Outwit and 4 damage on starting click. Then she
would be devastating, now she is a moderate brick.
Once she is mid-dial your goal should probably be to
heal her, not keep fighting. Her stat combo will
leave you with a bad decision. So why would you
play her? The same reason I will consider playing
her. because she is hotter then Juggernaut.
out of 10 on the CramCompany Hotness Scale*
Good, Bad, I’m the Guy with the Clix
Questions, comments, sexually
confused? Email me at
Please no hate mail
*Patent Pending