Today we'll be reviewing Green Lantern from
Collateral Damage
The very long awaited Kyle Rayner. Why did people
want him so badly, when people hated him replacing
Hal? Because nearly every other figure as been
made. Except for Lobo…. Grrr……Lobooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
Lobo would probably end up being a stand brick
either way though.
Rookie: 80 points, Teen Titians Team

Experienced: 121 points, JLA Team

Veteran: 167 points, Green Lantern Team

Who is the Best:
The Rookie is pathetic, 80 points and an 8
attack. The experienced is okay, but the powers are
all out of order. Energy Explosion one the opening
click is not that impressive too me. With the
higher range and running shot and more traditional
Green Lantern Dial and Team, the nod goes to the
Running shot is always good and 12 is a very high
movement for running shot. Phasing is pretty decent
on a Green Lantern Team member.
Telekinesis is the good old standard, but I wish he
had it for a bit longer through his dial. Energy
Explosion is pretty nice. Incapacitate is way
standard. I rarely use either of the two abilities.
I love the consistently high defense, that is
great. I will say this now, because he does not
have Willpower on his opening click he is
inferior. Barrier is great ability, but at 167
points you’ll never use it. You want Lantern to
attack or possibly throw a figure at somebody.
3 is pretty standard, you’ll want to put trick shot
on him, but it’s a major judgment call, does he have
Ranged Combat Expert long enough to warrant it. If
he get’s hit, he’ll probably end up back on it.
However putting trick shot on him will be a
commitment not to push him.
This new different sculpts for Veteran are Wizkid’s
way of saying Veterans are the new Unique. I play
in three Heroclix events a week and have NEVER seen
a Veteran War Machine. Nobody owns ever pulled
one. But I do own every Armor Wars Unique.
12 range is dominate and it means he will be able to
Ranged Combat Expert more, instead of Running Shot.
(Running Shot and Ranged Combat Expert do not work
No opening click Willpower will hurt him a lot more
then you think.
8 Single Point POG’s making give Green Lantern a
circle of protection.
Easy to heal at the end of the dial.
Green Lantern team is Amazing. Dropping a wall of
POG’s on somebody can ruin their strategy.
Adding rookie Livewire and 8 more points of POG’s
for only thirty points is a great secondary attacker
for this team.
You’ll never use that barrier unless you’re playing
a 500 point game.
Definitely a candidate for Force Field
Hyper Sonic Speed Character can not STAND on
characters to attack somebody else. Which means
Flash can not hit Kyle if he has an army of POG’s
around him.
He is not as good as the other Green Lanterns, but
that does not mean he is bad. He has a high defense
and a moderate attack, plus the Green Lantern Team
Ability. He stays decently useful throughout his
dial, but I can definitely think of better uses for
that many points. Kyle is a perfect secondary
attacker, but for the point cost, who is your first
attacker? Just like in the comics, he’s no Hal
Jordan…frankly he’s not even a Alan Scott.
Good, Bad, I’m the Guy with the Clix
Questions, comments, sexually
confused? Email me at
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