Rurouni KJS |
Black Bolt is the leader and most
powerful of the Inhumans, a clan of super-powered
humanoids who lived in a secluded region of the
Earth and later the moon.
Able to control electrons to create force fields,
fly, shoot concussion blasts and briefly increase
his strength to vast degrees, these powers all pale
next to the uncontrollable might of his voice. A
whisper can rock a battleship while a scream is
equal to a nuclear explosion.
Unique Black Bolt
wing speed
166 points
Team: none
Range: 10 x 1
10 08 08 08 08 07 07 07 06
10 09 09 08 07 08 09 10 11
17 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 13
04 03 03 03 03 04 04 04 05
Powers and analysis:
First 2 clicks are fully loaded with Running Shot,
Pulse Wave, Defend and Perplex. #3 gains Energy
Explosion; 4th loses Running Shot and gains
Click 5 gets Psychic Blast and Outwit. 6th click
upgrades to Invulnerability, but the 7th click loses
Outwit. Then click 8 loses Invulnerability. The 9th
and final click sees the return of both Running Shot
and Pulse Wave.
At 166 points, Mr. Bolt is costed to be a tentpole
or main attacker in a standard 300 point match, but
his dial is pretty oddly constructed for it. Three
opening clicks with no damage reducers and defense
numbers that are just a tad above average will cause
you problems if you run him out there into the front
Still his attack numbers on those clicks are pretty
deadly, too.
Me, I'd prefer to have him bolster a team. Even at
300 points, a decent attacker and support can be
added. He can make good use of his Defend & Perplex
while the people he carries or accompanies take the
early heat of the battle. Then he can deliver the KO
I know what you're thinking: NOVA BLAST, right? With
his ability to self-boost his attack or damage or
range, it is tempting. But I can't fully recommend
it; 'Bolt's too pricey to be a simple Nova bomb
who'll end up in a rather weakened state mid-dial
(or worse if solidly hit on that post-Nova'd click).
Still, the mere fear factor of the card might be
worth the points. FORTITUDE might be in order to
help him stay alive a little bit longer, maybe.
PROTECTED is extra-recommended for him. And don't
forget EXTENDED RANGE to give enemies a rude
Medusa and Crystal are fellow Inhumans, so there's a
theme. He's a Fantastic four ally like those two as
well, although never a member.
In sum:
Unlike most figures in this point range, Black Bolt
is not a self-supporter. But he's a deft combination
of death-dealing monster and expensive support
Rating: 3/5. Needs a team to work with.
Rurouni to help.
Today's review Blackbolt
is from Sinister
Blackbolt is the leader of the Inhumans and a member of the
Illuminati. He is also one hell of a good clix.
He is a Unique, comes in at
166 points, has 9 clicks of life, a ten range 1 target, a
flier, and has no team
Speed: 10,8,8,8,8,7,7,7,6 Running Shot the first
three and last click
Attack: 10,9,9,8,7,8,9,10,11 Pulse Wave the first
two, EE next two, Psy Blast nest 4, then ends with PW
Defense: 17,17,16,16,15,15,14,14,13 Defend first
three, toughness next two, Invulnerability two after
Damage: 4,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,5 Perplex first four, then
2 of Outwit
The Good: Lots of tasty Running Shot
The Pulse Wave means
big time damage, EE with 1 target sucks, Psy Blast is great
Perplex and Outwit help
him a lot
High attack throughout
The Bad: Not enough damage reducers for the points
A 17 Def is not that
good for defend, and defend is not good for a main attacker
Feats: ICWO, Protected, and Nova Blast…as if you
couldn’t figure that out
Overall: Oh man am I excited for this clix. I have
been dieing to finish my Illuminati team for a while now,
and now I can also make a good inhuman team. The attack
values are great, and the perplex helps his opening pulse
wave/force blast. The damage always stays high, and when it
is at its lowest he has perplex and outwit to help him out.
Psy Blast and Outwit with a high damage is an amazing
combination and will always do damage. He is both
frontloaded and back loaded and never really has a bad
click. He is going to be used a lot by people who are going
to abuse the hell out of his Nova Blast ability. The
perplex and ICWO could mean a def hit for 4 damage on an
entire team. He is going to be one of the top pulls from
this set and I would say the best Nova Blaster out there.
His defense is a concern though because if he gets hit he
gets hit hard. Other than that an amazing clix and one I am
definitely hoping to get. If I pull him in my first booster
I will not need to buy any more from this lackluster set.
Constructed/Unrestricted: 4.5 / 5
Sealed/Draft: 5 / 5
Overall: 4.5 / 5
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2006 Philly
Wizard World
Champion |
Today we'll be reviewing Wolverine from
I owe a lot to pojo to for my big win. In the
upcoming weeks I’ll be writing a lot of different
articles on how I won the World Championship of
Heroclix at Philly. Thanks for reading and all of
your support.
Black Bolt is the leader of the Inhumans and is
ridiculously powerful. He is most commonly known as
the only super person to have the word black in his
name without actually being an African American.
Unique: 166 points, X-Men Team

Running Shot of 10 is decent. Three clicks of
Running Shot is not bad either.
10 is a nice attack, just ask anybody that plays
Emerald Empress. His 11 attack at the end with a 5
damage is just frustrating. Obviously the Pulse
Wave is his bread and butter. Pulse Wave is pretty
much the best ability in the game that is not a
This is where he falls very flat. 17 with defend is
a terrible combo. If you are Pulse Waving people,
Nova Blasting or trying to single target Pulse Wave
why would you want one of your characters near you
sharing your defense?
4 damage is really nice, Perplex is much nicer. His
damage is always pretty darn good and he must be
dealt with immediately because of it.
He’s flying right at you! Watch out!
4 damage with Pulse Wave is great!
Emerald Empress has that as well
No Team
Nice Stats all around
Over half of your 300 point team
9 clicks is pretty long
10 is a long range!
Defend is deeply retarded on a Pulse Waver
Grrr… last click is the best once again
Let’s not kid ourselves; Black Bolt is not even
CLOSE to as good as Emerald Empress. He is way more
points then Emerald Empress, he does not have the
wildcard team ability, nor does he have upfront
damage reducers. He’s definitely more dangerous
mid-dial, but for the points I’d rather play two
rookie Emerald Empress’s. He does seem like a fun
one man team to play and may be quite powerful in
higher point games, but as far as the world of
competitive 300 point games goes, he’s not going to
stack up.
Good, Bad, I’m the Guy with the Clix
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