Edited by Jamie Lewis
Today we'll be reviewing Iron Man from
Super Nova
Iron Man’s Closet “Wear High Fashion, Goes to Die.”
How does he get chicks wearing this stuff? He must
either have a great personality or be very rich…
NOTE: This is not a one shot review. CramCompany
will be back reviewing figures for the next year. I
work in haunted houses so October is my busy time.
Very sorry.
Experienced: 111 points, Avengers Team

Three clicks of Running Shot, in the slots you need
them… in the front. Forceblast I have used only
once in the past two years of competitive play. It
doesn’t hurt, it just won’t help. Fairly
consistently high movement will help him get where
he needs to be hurting people.
11 attack at the beginning of his dial… again where
he needs it. He has nice attack for 6 clix which is
pretty good. Incapacitate and Energy Explosion are
terrible on high costed figures. Your high point
figures need to be taking opponents out, not hitting
them for one or two damage.
Invulnerability is okay, but past 120 points I think
a click of Impervious is a lot better. Energy
Shield is great to have at the end, makes him hard
to hit, but easy to heal.
4 damage and Outwit is fantastic and definitely the
best reason to play him. Ranged Combat Expert on a
flyer means he’ll always be able to hit for those 4
brutal clix. He does not have a bad click of damage
on the dial.
The flames on the feet and the high detail make this
my favorite sculpt of Iron Man. (Even though I am a
big Hypocrite and made fun of it earlier in the
Thunderbolting is a must on him. Batman team seems
like the smartest choice, but I am a huge fan of
Suicide Squad… I did win a tournament or two while
using it. When a figure is over 150 points he is
your team, so go for broke. Nanobots will keep him
ticking, Protected will make sure you do not lose to
a single mistake and In contact will help him get
the 5 damage needed to rub people out. I would
avoid Fortitude, because he has the Outwit.
2 targets and an 8 range are very underrated
Sadly 17 is now considered a mediocre defense
Can he win a game alone for you?
He will need TK
Nicely placed 2 damage will help him Nanobots
Definitely the best of all Iron Man figures.
Great Attack with solid damage
On an Avengers theme team or 500 point game he is
definitely playable. Iron Man represents the
problem I have with most high point figures; can he
win you the game alone? The answer is probably
not. There is a rough checklist to go through
before making a decision like this.
Can he take out another figure in one hit?
Can he get anywhere he needs to go without help?
Is he really hard to kill?
Can several small figures accomplish the same thing?
Three out of four is usually good enough to play
with. For instance KC FLASH
Can he take out another figure in one hit? No, but
he can hit nearly anyone with his high attack.
Can he get anywhere he needs to go without help?
Yes, 15 with Hypersonic
Is he really hard to kill? Yes. 20 Defense and
Nanobotting everything.
Can several small figures accomplish the same
thing? No. Nobody can touch his movement, high
defense and high attack. Other combos can work, but
Flash has all of them in a better package.
Now Iron Man
Can he take out another figure in one hit? Yes.
Can he get anywhere he needs to go without help?
No. 5 squares and then shooting is not bad, but
after that he is a sitting duck.
Is he really hard to kill? Not really. 17 defense
is hittable and after one hit, he’s pretty much
close to dead. Nanobotting will help, but it will be
hard for him to get to objects.
Can several small figures accomplish the same
thing? Yes. Havok, Red Tornado and Oracle on the
card would basically be better than Iron Man for
less points.
Iron Man is pretty good, in fact I love him for a
lot of themed events. But if you want to bust heads
with the big boys leave this bucket O’ bolts in
Stark’s closet.
Good, Bad, I’m the Guy with the Clix
Questions, comments, sexually
confused? Email me at
Please no hate mail
Warning global
warming fun facts:
Begin thinking of ways to reduce what you consume:
bring canvas bags to the grocery store, buy yourself
a travel mug and bring it with you to the coffee
shop. Eat one less meat meal per week and buy local
food whenever possible. If just ten percent of us
where to take these simple steps we would make a
substantial difference.
