Today we'll be reviewing Night Thrasher from
Super Nova
Not sure what his name means, but I’ve always felt
he is the Marvel equivalent of Casey Jones from
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Rookie: 37 points, Spider-Man Team

Experienced: 46 points, No Team

Veteran: 73 points, Spider-Man Team

Who is the Best:
The rookie is a cheap wildcard, but what is the
point. Small point figures need to do one thing
very well. What does he do well? The Experienced
has a decent 2nd click, but even that
click is not that great. The Veteran is also a
wildcard with frontloaded Outwit. Winner:
He can charge for the same as his range. Basically
he won’t charging too often, unless they are
resistant to ranged attacks. It’s very nice to have
options. Flurry is great and a nice thing to push
into. Charge are the end makes him mildly useful.
10 attack is not too bad. Energy explosion could
not be more pointless with that low of range, Charge
and Flurry as his movement powers and his single
target-ness. Bad timing to put Incap and Perplex on
the same click. Incap would do better when his
damage is at his lowest.
17 with Toughness is really not that bad. His
Combat Reflexes rocks in the middle. Willpower is
always great.
2 damage is pretty lame. Combat Expert comes in
after his attack drops down to an 8. Perplex is a
nice back up to Outwit.
Turtle Power! Cowabunga Casey!
Incontact is all I would put on him. Using his
wildcard team ability to copy Suicide Squad and
Stealth would help him a lot.
His attack drops fast
Wildcard and Outwit are always nice.
Reminds me of an overpriced Mockingbird
Mocking bird is pretty good though
He’s harder to kill then you probably think
I nice pick up in a draft
Night Thrasher has an ability to be good, because
he’s a wildcard. How much work do you want to put
into a figure though? Figures under a 100 points
need to be specialist. Glass jawed heavy hitters,
Stealth Prob control, Hard to kill TKers, Stealth
Outwitters that can’t attack or tie-up pieces that
can never hit back. Night Thrasher is a little mix
of everything, but overall a specialist in nothing.
This would be fine if he was a true renaissance man,
but he’s not. He’s more of an indecisive college
Maybe he’s more like some crazed guy with a packback
full of sports equipment
Or maybe he’s a figure that is destined to collect
dust on your shelf.
Good, Bad, I’m the Guy with the Clix
Questions, comments, sexually
confused? Email me at
Please no hate mail
Fun FACt:
Global Warming is a cause of Oil Prices going
up. Everyday it is harder and harder to get oil and
products out of Alaska. There used to be over 200
days in Alaska that the ice was hard enough to drive
on. Now there is less then 3 months. It’s true.
Al Gore told me. See “An Inconvenient Truth”.