Edited by Jamie Lewis
Today we'll be reviewing Katma Tui from
Green Lantern Corps Collectors Set
Welcome to “Pojo scrapes the bottom of the Green
Lantern barrel” week.
Experienced: 89 points, Green Lantern Team

I always love it when a character starts with
absolutely NO POWERS for movement. Forceblast will
be very useless, why push somebody away when you can
light them up for 3 damage? Phasing at the end is a
great way to escape, but the movement is relatively
low at this point.
Three clicks of 10 attack is pretty nice. Energy
Explosion with one target is pretty useless. Incap
and one target is stupid as well. Pretty much
ignore her attack powers.
17 with Willpower is pretty nice. Her defense keeps
rocketing up which is nice. Barrier at the end
keeps her useful. Energy/Shield helps keep her hard
to hit. Toughness will keep a long dial longer.
Three damage with is pretty mediocre. Ranged Combat
Expert will keep her dangerous, but only for that
one click where she can hit for 2 damage plus the
Ranged Combat Expert. Low damage at the end.
How do you make a yawn face on the computer. So
many sculpts that used to look great are slightly
downgraded when you really look at Horrorclix.
I would definitely put Protected on her, since
Willpower cancels out the negative effects of
pushing. In contact is not too bad nor is Nanobots,
but if you put that on her she is even MORE of a
point commitment.
No move and attack
Slightly above average defense and attack, but does
not stand out
Her damage is not high enough to really make a
difference for the 100 point investment
Nice range
Surprisingly long dial.
What can she do that Chi’p or Tomar Re cannot?
If a figure has no move and attack their stats must
be amazing. Havok is the best example of a very
good figure with no move and attack. He has 18
defense from ranged attack, hits for 4 damage with a
10 attack all for only 44 points. Katma Tui is
roughly twice that, she can carry people, but so can
everyone in the set. She is frankly the Plain Jane
of the set. You can take her to the dance, but I’d
save my ticket for a bombshell…. Or in the case of
Green Lantern Corps Set… a cartoon squirrel in
Good, Bad, I’m the Guy with the Clix
Questions, comments, sexually
confused? Email me at
Please no hate mail
Warning global
warming fun facts:
Begin thinking of ways to reduce what you consume:
bring canvas bags to the grocery store, buy yourself
a travel mug and bring it with you to the coffee
shop. Eat one less meat meal per week and buy local
food whenever possible. If just ten percent of us
where to take these simple steps we would make a
substantial difference.