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HeroClix "Click of the Day"

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The Joker
Justice League

Reviewed 09.12.2007

Average Rating: 3.20

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating

Rurouni KJS Unique The Joker
boot speed
199 points
Team: None
Keywords: Ruler
Range: 10 x 1


The latest version of the Joker is from the storyline in which the mad clown stole Mr. Myxptlyk's nigh-omnipotent 5th-dimensional powers. Emphasis on "mad" and "omnipotent." Thus we get a piece that's pretty darn powerful but not exactly in the way we're accustomed to.

He starts with Mind Control, high damage Outwit and Impervious, but a not-so-hot-for-200-points 9 AV. Good thing he's got a long range of 10. What's better is his Special Power "Unpredictable Omnipotence" -- pick a number 1-6 and deal 2 extra damage if the number shows up on one of your dice...at the risk of also TAKING 2 damage if you roll doubles of that number.

Hey. It's Joker. He's not exactly sane.

And frankly, taking damage isn't the worst thing that can happen to him, as he might get Mastermind or hit his mid-dial peak AV of 12 and 19 Defense Value.

Mid-dial also sees him gain his other two Special
Powers: "Enbiggen," which makes him a giant (which, given the optional nature of most Special Powers, could be very useful) and the game-cracking "Joker Makes The Rules." This latter power is basically Outwit, but he can counter ALL his target's powers if he's within 4 squares...so even if his target takes damage and gets all new powers, they're STILL countered.

Hey. It's Joker with ultimate power. He's not known for his restraint.

Late-dial, his stats all take a swan dive. But he's still able to influence the battle with Probability Control and dodge the odd attack with Super Senses.

Mind Control and plenty of Mastermind make MENTAL SHIELDS a natural fit. PROTECTED might be key to protect his soft spots.

Although his AV is a bit low to start for his point cost, his Special Powers give him so much damage potential that he's worth fielding anyway. Be sure to give him lots of Mastermind fodder for best results.

RATING: 4 of 5. (Subtract a half-point if his "Enbiggen" power gets errataed to be non-optional.)

Today's review is The Joker from Justice League


That’s right people, this joker made Bizarro.


He is a Unique(common), 199 points, 10 range 1 target, 9 clix, and no team























































Special Power

Speed – Enbiggen – Joker has Giant damage symbol


Attack – Unpredictable Omnipotence – Call a number from 1-6.  If one of the dice rolled during an attack has that number, increase damage by 2 (max 2).  If the number comes up on both dice, deal Joker 2 unpreventable damage before attack resolves.


Damage -  Joker Makes the Rules – Joker can use outwit.  He can use it normally, or cancel all the powers of one figure within 4 squares.


Speed: Mind control sucks with 1 target, and then he can become a giant…which is good and bad

Attack: Good numbers that are all over the place for most the dial, the special power can either really help or really hurt.  I guess you wont be calling out them 6’s or 1’s when you roll any time soon.  And Steal energy with the attack and damage to actually get use out of it.

Defense:  Imperv and Mastermind switch back and forth, so that makes him tough to hit but also tough to plan for.  Super Senses…well I would rather have more mastermind.

Damage:  Numbers suck for 200 points, but all that outwit and then prob control is really cool.  He has one of the best white powers in the game with joker makes the rules.

The Good:  High attack

      10 range

      Hard to hit

      Tons of outwit

      Joker makes the rules can cripple an opponents figure

      If you are lucky, you can do 5 damage most of the dial


The Bad:  If you are unlucky, you can be taking 2 damage all the time

                All the stats are random and hard to plan for

                Mind control with 1 target

                Becoming a giant can either help him tie up a force, or get shot at like crazy

                Only 9 clicks

                No anti-batman team to actually help those figures

Feats:  Protected is a must, because for these points you gotta try to save him.  Fortitude I think might be necessary, to get the most out of the Imperv and Mastermind.  Also, Thwart works good.  If you want to get some use out of the Mind Control, Mental Shields could be a real asset.  Also, Lucky Break can save you from a bad U.O. roll.

Overall:  Well, here is a piece that is pure finesse.  I will say right now that this guy is not going to win you a Wizard World or GenCon tournament any time soon.  Does that make him a bad piece?  No.  This guy looks like probably one of the funnest pieces in the game to play with.  The biggest thing to help someone who plays him is knowing the dial.  He is really tough to plan for and your opponent probably won’t know what you are doing with him.  He has the ability to hit for a lot, and with all that outwit he will probably take out a piece or two before he dies.  He also needs a lot of support.  Tk is a must to get him out there when his damage is best, and prob control might be needed too to help prevent those unlucky rolls where you get 2 damage from U.O.  The chances of you calling the right number and having it come up on both dice are rare, but it could happen.  Also, he needs mastermind fodder, so a bunch of Pogs or pieces with long lives and damage reduction are his best friend (Jocasta anyone?)  He is almost impossible to use well in a 300 point game.  In higher up ones, he could either carry a team, or get creamed.  He is unpredictable…just like the Joker should be.

Constructed/Unrestricted: 2.25 / 5

Sealed/Draft:  1 / 5 (He could get destroyed here with the right team)


Overall:  2.25 / 5


“Heroclix….they’re cool, addictive, and available….the things practically sell themselves.”

Need help? Send any emails to batmandx@aol.com.


~ Romanco ~
It's not Remake Week anymore, but here we do have a Remake. Better this time? We shall find out.

Emperor Joker:           Unique
199 Points                   10 Range; 1 Bolt
Grounded                     No Team

# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
10 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 KO KO KO
9 10 9 12 11 10 9 7 7 KO KO KO
17 17 18 19 17 17 16 15 14 KO KO KO
4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 KO KO KO

Speed: Joker gets the Giant symbol.
Attack: Before Joker makes an attack roll, you may choose to declare a number from 1-6. If you do, and if the attack hits and the declared number comes up on either attack die, increase the damage dealt by 2. If the declared number comes up on both dice, deal The Joker 2 unpreventable damage after the attack resolves.
Damage: Joker can use Outwit. When using Outwit, he can use it normally or choose to counter all powers of a target character within 4 squares. 

 Speed  -- Faster than the normal Joker. Mind Control with 10 Range works well and being a giant means Joker can attack from close combat 2 squares away. Good so far.

 Attack  -- 9.. for nearly 200 points? Joker's first click is too good to push off but he really peaks later on in the dial. His Attack Special Power is incredible. SIX possible clicks at one point!

 Defense  -- Hurray Impervious starts. What's with the whole Mastermind pattern? I don't mind MM on the 19 defense, seeing as 19 defense would please me anyway. And if someone does manage to pull off the 19, just Mastermind.

 Damage  -- Outwit at full power is the best spot. If you think about it, Joker can deploy Outwit until he reaches his EIGHTH click. The Special Power will definitely come in handy that is a guarantee. Ending Probability Control helps defense. 

 Sculpt  -- Is that Harley Quinn's head on the thing he's holding?

~~ Protected, Mental Shields, whatever else you can think of. At first glance, I didn't like Joker. Then I really looked into his complex dial and I've realized he is one of the stars of this set. Numbers are high in every category and he's such an attacker: six damage, loads of Outwit; he could make Bronze Tiger a blank 8, 11, 18, 2. Plus, he looks fun. And that's what it's all about right? ~~

Joker receives a 3.5/5.

- _
Dario text

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