Today's review is Mister
Mind from Origin
Today we get the old school
Captain Marvel villain who is a little slug with a lot of
brain power. He has shown up recently in 52 and is also the
most cost efficient Superman Enemy we have had in a long
He is Unique, 68 points, 8
range 1 target, 4 clicks of life, AE (Shazam), and Superman
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Speed |
4 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
Attack |
10 |
9 |
9 |
8 |
Defense |
19 |
18 |
17 |
17 |
Damage |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Mind Control with one target with low numbers, if it wasn’t
for the Mental Shields card that would be worse than it is
Attack: Not bad values for the points, especially
considering the team ability
Defense: WOW, really high. The willpower will work
Damage: uh oh…0’s. Perplex whole dial helps though.
The Good: Huge defense
Full dial perplex
Decent attack values
8 range never hurts
The go to piece to use
superman enemy team
The Bad: Short dial
Low movement
No damage
Feats: Mental Shields is a must, get the most out
of his mind control that you can. Compel could work too,
allowing your main attacker to attack 2 times in one turn
for the price of a click of life is awesome. It could help
Cyborg Superman actually do something. Protected is also a
must, you need to keep that high defense as long as
possible. ICWO can also give him a massive 20 range.
Personally, I would just go with shields and protected.
Nanobots can help him too, but he is not really a piece to
throw a ton of feats on.
Overall: I like this piece a lot. The way to play
him is with protected, mental shields, and a cheap
wildcarding taxi. Rookie triplicate girl is probably the
best for this. Taxi him out, let him outwit your opponent
and then perplex up your guys, or even perplex down a
defense. Next turn, use the willpower to mind control the
main attacker without taking any damage (thanks to mental
shields). He is probably the most cost efficient superman
enemy we have seen in a long time, probably since the
lexcorp suits. He is also a fun piece to play, and in the
end, isn’t that what this game is about?
Constructed/Unrestricted: 3 / 5
Sealed/Draft: 2.5 / 5
Overall: 3 / 5
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