Kyle's main strength is the first power of his first
click, "Ion," which allows him the use of the
Quintessence team ability. This protects his other
normal powers of Telekinesis, Impervious and Perplex
from Outwit and allows him to push freely to attack
with his starting 11 AV. And with an 18 DV he's
unlikely to be easily knocked off that first click.
Even after "Ion" wears off, he's good for Running
Shot, Energy Explosion (and still more Perplex) and
his other special, "Constructs" which works just
like the Construct feat from the Green Lantern Corps
when he uses Barrier, enemies adjacent to it are
forced to break away to move or be moved no matter
what powers they, or their allies, have.
Mid-dial, his DV spikes back up to 18 before
beginning a steady slide down. He also gets Range
Combat Expert to deal a lot of hurt at range.
End-dial, he gets Phasing, Incap and more Perplex/RCE
to boost his 2 damage a bit.
Finally, don't overlook his natural Green Lantern
Corps team ability. With his Ion-granted free push,
he can carry a load of boot speed friends and attack
or TK next turn.
As mighty as that first click is, he's considerably
more mortal once he loses it. Not having true
move+attack on that first click is also a blow.
That first click I keep mentioning should be
PROTECTED, always (or save it for the soft clicks
#2-4 or 7-8, in case you critmiss off Ion before
burning the feat).
A first-click character if there ever was one. But
what a click; it almost makes him a great tentpole.
He's also a good support piece thanks to his TK, TA
and Perplex. Build a team to take advantage of this
dual nature and he may do well.
RATING: 3.5 of 5. Just too costly to properly
support enough of a team at 300, and not quite tough
enough to be a proper tent pole.