Sorry it’s been so long, fellow clix’ers, but
I’ve been really busy with 2 jobs, college, etc… So
today, we are reviewing Radoll…
Arguably the best tie up piece in the game right
now, Ragdoll actually brings multiple strategic and
nasty options to the table. The son of the original
Ragdoll, enemy of the Flash, Peter Merkel Jr. was
not born with triple jointed limbs, unlike the other
members of his dysfunctional family. However, over
the years, Ragdoll Jr. financed several operations
to make him triple jointed, severally scarring his
body in the process. Onto the dial…

The Character:
Ragdoll starts off with a 9 speed w/ Plasticity, 9
AV with an Sp, 16 Def. w/ Super Senses (SS) and 2
damage with Shape Change. (SC) His SP is called
“Won’t let go”, which basically let’s you place
Ragdoll adjacent to an opposing character who
happened to break away from him this turn, or simply
Leaped/HSS speeded away. In other words, he’s goin’
with ya wherever you go!
Nightcrawler: I’m taking you with me. Ragdoll: I
Won’t let go! Nightcraawler: Uh, OK…
Raggedy Ann here has 5 clicks of life, and the
Suicide Squad TA, which can really come in handy on
certain occasions. After click 2, he loses SS and
gains Combat Reflexes, enabling him an 18 def. up
close and personal, where he should be. Ragdoll’s
motto is: “I’ll hold him, you hit him!”
Entangle: Cost: 8
Opposing characters attempting to target the
character with a close combat attack must roll one
six-sided die before making the attack. On a result
of 1 or 2, the opposing character cannot attack the
character. It is not given an action token, but it
cannot be given another action or make another
attack that turn.
Entangle is evil on this guy. You have 3 one in
three shot’s in avoiding damage. Roll for Entangle:
Missed. Roll for SC: Missed again; Roll for SS: YES!
Got it! Scene shift: *Opponent tearing his hair out*
The Secret Six ATA makes Ragdoll even more
dangerous, enabling him to “self destruct” if he’s
KO’d in close combat. For only 3 points more,
Ragdoll becomes a ticking time-bomb…
The Good News is:
tie up piece
Can deal damage if he’s KO’d
Has the Suicide Squad TA
Is only 49 points w/ Secret Six TA
The Bad News is:
Has only 5 clicks of health;
Not much wrong with him…
Bottom Line is:
Ragdoll is the BEST tie up piece in the game right
now, with WoS Sandman coming in second. Have some
Probability Control/Outwit handy, and you can even
tie down a HSS character. Played right, Ragdoll is
the key to victory…
5 out of 5.
Till’ next time, keep spinnin’ dials, people!
My Signature
: KillerSavage: “Professor X will outwit your
tea, and Nightcrawler will kidnap your scone.”