Lord Recluse/Ghost Widow
Double Review
Lord Recluse:

Character description:
(From Whoclix):
“His mysterious background linked to the
creation of the heroic Statesman,
Lord Recluse terrorized Paragon City
with his strength, spider-like arms
and energy blasts. In the 1950's he
brought "law and order" to the Rogue
Isles, taking them over with the
help of his organization Arachnos.
Declared a sovereign nation by the
U.N., the Rogue Isles has become a
haven for super villains.”
(Courtsey of HCRealms)
The Goods News is:
Has 8 clicks of health
Very feat-able
Can be easily healed
Deals 1 unavoidable w/ Arachnos TA
The Bad News is:
His stats are pretty low
Very glass-jawed
3 damage for only 1 click
Costs 122 points.
Contingency Plan works really well.
Inspiring Command and Damage Shield
can also be effective.
Bottom line is:
I must comment again that Il Recluso
here is the perfect candidate for
Contingency Plan. I know everyone
screams "Armor Piercing/Damage
Shield!" but he is made for CP. As
far as offense goes, he generally
falls flat, but he can be extremely
deadly late dial with
Poison/Mastermind/Outwit. Just make
sure you have some decent cannon
fodder. I would actually recommend
Black Scorpion, since his defense
drops so low, Ghost Widow can
usually heal him back to full
Final Rating:
4 out of 5.
Ghost Widow:

Character description:
(Whoclix again)
a Night Widow agent for Arachnos,
Belladonna Vetrano was an expert
spy; a master of stealth,
infiltration and disguise. When she
was killed on a mission, Vetrano
re-manifested as a spirit. In her
ghostly form, she can phase through
walls and only becomes solid to
interact with the everyday world.
She can drain and transfer life
force from victims as well as summon
spirits to attack her enemies.”
(Courtsey of HCRealms)
The Goods news is:
Taxi/Mystic/Medic/Self-healing medic
all in one package; What’s not to
Starts with a 9 attack/ 18 defense
Has 2 clicks of Regeneration
Costs 54 points
The Bad News is:
Has only 5 clicks of health
Other than that, perfect!
Protected is a MUST. Amor Piercing
is nice, but I personally prefer
Auto. Regeneration.
Bottom Line is:
Wow. Seriously, she is the best
support piece in the game, even to
this day. 54 points, Arachnos team
ability, 9 AV with Support, 9 speed
with Phasing, a taxi,
and...Regeneration?! And she even
has Pulse Wave, allowing her to go
out with a POP! How cool is that??
Ghost Widow, I love you...
Final Rating:
5 out of 5.
Until next time, keep spinnin’
dials, people!