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This is Cramcompany

Defending The WIZdom*
*(My personal favorite title ever)

Welcome to another sparkling and sure to be controversial....


Along time ago several people had a noble idea, finding a faster way to share information. First the written word, then the printing press, the radio, the television and finnally the internet. Unfortunately all of these devices eventually became just another way to get porn and complain about things you have no control over. When I look over at other Heroclix websites, I have to note that most of them seem to just complain about WIZKIDS! Why is did they reprint Spiderman yet not relase a SUNSPOT figure? Why is THIS (insert any set coming out) the worst set ever? My Black Adam figure flys and thus can carry people, but Black Adam would never carry somebody...he's not a friendly guy. Why can't Wiz kids give me a more character accurate Black Adam? Well, I think it's time we examine the WIZdom* once and for all. *(I liked it so much I wrote it twice.)

WHAT IS WITH ALL THE REPRINTS? Before I mention anything about this, I should say that YES there are ALOT of reprints in ICONS. But ICONS is a BASE SET! So there is supposed to be reprints of all the main characters that are played aka Superman, Batman, Aquaman and all the others that non fans can name. So please stop trashing their selection, because it is a base set and the point is to have the common character reprints. Beyond Icon's there are a ton of reprints in most of the sets, Spiderman, Batman, Wolverine are all in everyset. Yes, they take up vaulable space that could be used to make a Sunspot, Caretaker or perhaps even the long awaited LOBO. These overly reprinted characters are staples of their universes and in many cases have movies being made about them. Wiz kids is not "cashing in" on the Fantastic Four, Batman Begins Movies (and they're certainly not cashing in on the Man-Thing Movie.) They're simply responding to what people want. If the Batman movies bombed and Kalibak had a comic that people read, they'd make that click in a second. We as a whole dictate what heroclix get made and for everyset they make another Wonderwomen they also have a Star-Spangled Kid.

WHY HAVE THEY NOT MADE THIS?: Lobo, Black Bolt, Vengence, Omega Red, Watcher, Morbius, Scarlet Spider are all characters that they have not made and they probably should make (except Scarlet Spider....can't we just all forget the clone angle?) Just Like Namor, Punisher, Silver Surfer and Ra's Al Ghoul each new set needs some popular long awaited characters to help launch the set. If they'd saved Boomerang and made Namor instead would you have been as excited to open a Fantastic Forces with Boomerang on the cover? Sure I hate waiting, I won't even make food that you can't heat in the microwave. Waiting is sometimesm for the best. Plus there is a fun option, take that Persuader off his stand and glue your own Lobo figure on it. Repainting figures is a great way to pass the time while waiting for your Hungryman Dinner to warm up.
WHY IS MY CHARACTER NOT MORE ACCURATE TO HIS COMIC FORM? The first thing to realize is that they do try. It is hard to both be very accurate, but create a character that is competively playable. The second thing to realize that this is a comptetive game, not Comic Book Reanactment Theatre. Comic toys are made and they can act however you want when you play with them in your mother's basment. Personally, Wonderwomen and Jean Gray had many a battle over who thought I was sexier. The reason I feel the comic accurate thing is so hard can be summed up in one character BATMAN. There is Batman Versions over 120 points.......how? Batman is cool, I love Batman so do not take this as a rip on him, but he's just a human. Legacy Batman has an18 defense? How is a normal human harder to hit then say Kid Flash who can move at hyper sonic speeds. How does a normal human or even an extraodinary person have as many clicks as a rookie Superman? If Wiz Kids was extremely accurate Batman would be only able to take one full hit from Superman and that is just how would be. If Superman can lift a train into the air, then he could punch Batman's head clean off his body. They do the best they can to make all sides happy and for the most part we are.

WHY IS (INSERT SET NAME) THE WORST SET EVER? If you visit any forum in the world about any game in the world there are always going to be people saying, THIS IS THE WORST SET EVER! Just as there are people saying THIS IS THE BEST SET EVER. So ignore the critics...except me....continue reading my reviews......darn....I lost all of you.
When a set is designed I figure it has a few goals. 1. To change the game enough to interest the people playing. 2. To add something new for the comic fans that gets them excited. 3. To attract a new base of fans, by being massively appealing. Usually reason 1 clashes with reason 3 and 2 clashes with both the other reasons. Putting out a new Wolverine that is obscure will satisfy 2 and 3, but since he's another expensive blades/claws regeneration character he will not please 1. Jinx was a fantastic character and pleased 1 and possibly 2, but 3 had no idea who she was. Making the New Legacy Joker with his "Wacky" stats and unpredicablity made 2 ers and 3 ers happy, but me and my 1 ers die a little inside when we pull another Joker instead of KC Green Lantern. Fantastic Forces is the newest set and while I do not belive it is as good as Legacy it is still an important set. For our 1 ers it has LE Sue Storm, Thunderbolts/Fantastic Four team change card and the very usualble and game altering Transporters. For the 2 catergory it had Namor, a crazy powerful pink Nimod and Lockjaw. It helped bring in new people with it's tie into the Fantastic Four Movie, thus satisfying the third goal.
THEY WORK HARD TO MAKE IT BETTER: I played Magic the Gathering for about 6 years and recently quit to play Heroclix. I went to weekly tournments and some major events while playing. Magic is a great game and I am not trashing it, but the Magic Makers are not very fan oriented. Sure they try, but the bottom line is they never sent me out special product for playing, I have like 3 magic special cards in like 6 years. Magic does not have fellowship to make sure everybody is nice. Magic let's the sharks eat the guppies and does not think twice about it. WizKids does many things for the Average Fan and Competive Player Alike;

• Most Tournments are free (I would spend $5 to $10 per Magic
Tournment and all I would win was more packs)
• Nonstop LE's for both the nice guys and the Sharks
• Competitive Type Two Magic Deck = $350 Competitive Heroclix Team = $10 (the high price of a Black Adam and a few good rookies)
• Fellowship is a part of the game
• They hold internet meetings to get your feedback
• They've been against large money prizes in the interest of keep the game a GAME and not a occupation.
• They allow and uncourage house rules
• The sculpts and the new company doing them bring them to the next level! You can practically see each hair on the chest of Tigra!
• They're still changing the game to make it better, more simple.
• The upcoming new guy night
• Always listening to us about making the LE's different.
• Uniques in every 3 packs! (Hey Wizkids! Way to sucker punch ebay.)
• The upcoming Clix Bricks, to avoid package tampering and give you more for your money.
• Other Special Promotions (LE Nova, Statesman and Galactus drawing for all the winners of tournments)
• They read websites (such as this one, HC Realms and Whoclix) to get feed back and improve the game
• They're trying to satify the ones, the twos and the threes.
HAVE YOU GONE SOFT CRAMCOMPANY?: No. Look, I'm not sucking up to wizkids, they have alot of problems, of course, and they make money on my back. They're a company, not some friend thats been having fun making his own games. At the same time, I think it's warranted to say they've been doing some very good things lately. They work very hard to satisfy us, "The Superfans" of Heroclix along with trying to make the game bigger and better. To be fair I think there are some things that warrent improvment.
• In the first shipment of cases for Fantastic Forces there was a problem with the uniques. All unques would be in a box with the same figure on the cover, but a different figure cover per case. Confusing? Basically if you bought a case and pulled a unique out of a box with Doom on it. All the Unques in that case would be in boxes with Doom on the cover. While I have not opened more then a case, I've asked everyone that got a first shipment and all agreed. This kind of mistake is one that people catch onto quickly. This creates distrust betweent the customer and the store owners that they buy from. If the customer doesn't pull some uniques they'll be mad and in some cases they have a good right to be. It should be noted that Wizkids figured this mistake out quickly and it did not happen with the second shipment.
• Time is such a factor while playing. If you read my last Cramcompany article you'll understand why I have a big problem with people staling.
• The game is WAY confusing. The basic rules are great and it's easy to build a team. It's the minor rules that are confusing. Judges all over the country have wildly different interperatations. I just met a man from Texas that would have bet his mother that you can not charge a character in stealth. Not being able to outwit a stealth character you are standing next too still seems crazy to me! Again, I give them credit for constantly trying to make it more simple. But on the next rule change, we must STOP CHANGING RULES FOR A BIT! :)
• 3 clicks per pack.....I have soooo many duplicates I want to cry. Wait....I am crying. Shoot I'm getting my 14th version of experianced Tigra wet.
• Lastly and my only major grip. Playable Heroclix attached to something very expensive. A magazine subscription to get a Batman. A video game to get the City of Villans Heroclix. These are not just LE clicks, these are very playable competative peices. To price something like that with something else, is just a touch harsh. It upsets your incoming fans alot. When I was new to playing I recall sitting across from a chrome Silver Surfer. When I asked how they got him and they said with a $100 Galactus available only at a couple conventions across the world and then only if you had a won a special lottery for the RIGHT to buy him. My first thing was to think; "I will NEVER get him. I might as quit playing now." My second thought was; "Holy God! They made a Galactus!....is he really small? He must be like 300 points!"

SHOULD I WRITE WISKIDS A LETTER OR BAKE THEM A CAKE? Nothing so drastic is necessary. All I'm saying is let's stop bashing them so hard. I've played alot of games and I've never had a company give me so much for playing. If you win a Monopoly game one of the Parker Brothers does not send you a gold thimbal. Admit it, you love those Wizkids LE's. You love the idea of finding a unique in one of every three packs. How can you not love playing a minuture game that does not involve a ruler and a hundred sheets of paper?

But Wizkids, make a LOBO click before we eat each other alive.
Keep it Clicking
Questions, comments, sexually confused? email me at cramcompany@hotmail.com.
Please no hate mail

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