Pojo's HeroClix Tips, Strategies & Thoughts from Fans
From:Eugenio Paez
Subject:500 pointer spider-man team
you have seen my tourney reports, anyway i got new heroclix and i play a 500
point game here they are
1 Spider-Man V point value 110
2 Hulk V point value 147
3 Robin V point value 22
4 Thing V point value 134
5 Venom E point value 67
6 Henchman R point of value 11
7 Easy company medic R point of value 9
Spider-Man has the best attack of them all so you will atack with him often and
his damage is 2 so he rocks. Hulk is just for back up when your opponent hurts
him he just gets stronger and hard to kill he has a damage of 5 he is the best
one i have. Robin is really useful he has a point value of 22 and has 2 on
damage he can be KOd easly but he can still hurt some heroclix of your opponent.
Thing is not as powerful as Hulk but he has 4 on damage try to take out the weak
heroclix of your opponent with Thing. Venom has 2 on damage and a good attack he
can escape because of Leap/Climb. Henchman has 1 damage point os 2 on the
begining he dosent last much but his damage point is the only good thing of him.
Easy company medic dosent have any damage point he has only 1 support and thats
only at the begining when he takes the first hit his useless. those are the
heroclix for a 500 poit game hope it helps bye.
e-mail:eugenio217@hotmail.com if you want to send me an e-mail put on the
subject line spider-man team or i wont answer

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