Captain Marvel leads the way- Ben Ramsey
U-Captain Marvel = 158 points
R- Marrow = 26 points
E- Psylocke = 39 points
R- Destiny = 20 points
V- Taskmaster = 75 points
E- Con Artist = 12 points
R- Paramedic = 8 points
V- Paramedic = 12 points
And if mixed bag tournament put in E- Deathstroke = 50 points for a total of 400
But if not put in a R- Black Panther = 27 points and switch R- Marrow to V-
Marrow = 47 points for a total of 396 points
This works best on an outside map
Start off on a building.Put your three items on the egde near the top corner of
the building. Put Psylocke next to Captain Marvel(CM) for enhancement. Move
Black Panther to the corner of the buiding in stealth.Put Taskmaster on the
right of Black Panther in stealth. Do the same with Marrow but on the left.
Although this piece does not have stealth it does have super senses. Move your
medics up like maybe 2 spaces. Move the con artist in an area so when you push
it next turn to get perplex you will be in a good position.Move destiny
diagonaly behind Black Panther or around that area. If anyone gets within Black
Panther outwit range of 10 use Captain Marvel to shoot at him unless he is more
than 13 spaces away because you could have perplexed his range, so if you can't
reach him perplex his damage with taskmaster and con artist so he can do 5
clicks and use running shot while carrying Psyloke for enhancement so he can do
6 clicks. Try not to PUSH. If they do damage to someone have your medic push
him.If you used Deathstroke do the same. Keep doing this until you win.
If you have any questions or comments please email me at www.ryreymysterio619@aol.com |

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