Marvel Universe Starter


I first wanted to say I really enjoy your website and I find myself continously checking on the new clicks of the day.


I picked up the new Marvel Universe Starter a couple of days ago.  Even though I wasn't really excited about the new figures, I wanted the updated rulebook and looked forward to a new map to add variety to my game play.  Well I guess you should be careful what you wish for.


I was shocked to pull out this little dinky map that is only 13 squares by 13 squares. I kept looking to see if there was more, but thats it.  Whats worse is if you look on the box it shows a larger version of same map with more squares, but that version isn't included.  I wanted to see if anyone else has an opinion on this matter, but I am stunned to think that Wizkids would expect new players to play on such a dinky map.  With Running Shot I can hit anyone on the board on the first move.  I cannot imagine this new map being used for actual tournament play, and good luck try playing with Galactus. 


I have a feeling that its mainly due to the limited space they made in their new Starter. Even the rulebook and power card is smaller, but that doesn't bother me.  I applaud them for making it more compact and knocking $7.00 off the price, but I can't help to feel a little jipped with this map. I guess I just needed to vent to someone.


Let me know if anyone else has an opinion on this. 


Will Rooks


P.S. I already feel better. Just pulled Thanos out of one of those little bitty boosters.