From: []
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 11:06 PM
Subject: My 600 point team if possible - XJobenax
My strategies are based on this 2 main brawlers at least 1
supporter and 2 medics so it would be like this but like
others there's room for improvement any ideas just tell me
Superman (Veteran) from Icons 251 points
Thanos (Unique) from Infinity Challenge 185 points
Catwoman (Veteran) from Hypertime 68 points
Mystique (Veteran) from Xplosion 51 points
Paramedic (Veteran) from Xplosion 12 points
Paramedic (Experienced) from Xplosion 10 points
S.W.A.T. Heavy Weapons (Veteran) from Xplosion 22 points