Standard: 4/5
Expanded: 3.5/5
Limited: 5/5
Legacy: 3.5/5
Hello readers! Vince here with another late card review. Well, not too late actually, as a card that I’m about to look at just received another printing. In that case, I’m looking at Judge (HS Unleashed 78/95, XY BreakThrough 143/162, SM Forbidden Light 108/131). This card was first printed on the HGSS block and got another print in one of the XY expansion and receiving another one from the SM block. It was reviewed twice by the crew:
When it first came out, it saw a good amount of play due to being a Supporter card that does both hand refresh and disruption. When you have cards in your hand that you can’t make use of, Judge can help you get out of a tight spot, and it doesn’t even discard your cards. For the disruption aspect, there may be a chance where you may help or hinder your opponent due to the nature of randomness when it comes to physically shuffling decks properly. Probably the best opportunity to disrupt your opponent, assuming that you don’t care about your hand, is when your opponent just searched cards from their deck onto their hand while simultaneously ending their turn. Steven’s Resolve and Sylveon-GX’s Magical Ribbon are examples of being foiled by a disruption card. Of course, cards tend to compete with others during the time Judge was legal. For hand refresher, Professor Oak’s New Theory and Cynthia nets you six cards. N also nets you more or less cards than Judge depending on when it was used on that part of the match. N could be better early game and worse for late game when both players are down to few prize cards. As for hand disruption? Again, N could do a better or worse job than Judge, but for the opposite reasons compared to the first aspect. N could be worse due to being down to one card, but Judge still nets you four cards. Ace Trainer also does a better job if you’re behind on prizes. You net six cards while your opponent gets three. Wicke is situational since it relies on the quantity of both player’s current hand.
It was fortunate that Judge had other applications that made it appear on couple of World Championship Decks, because Judge would’ve been outclassed if players didn’t think outside of the box. Just seeing it appear on several decks makes me happy enough to give it a above-average score on certain formats. Standard has less competition in regards to what Judge does, but Expanded and Legacy has both N and Professors that schools most Supporter cards. Despite that, it was used in a specific deck that reaps the benefits of having a certain hand size to ignore energy costs. Having attacks that are free to use will mean that Max Potion has no liability and energy punishing users won’t hit you too hard. In Limited, if you pulled one, you’ll run this. Given that you might have a large hand filled with mostly redundant cards, by using Judge, you might keep yourself from decking out, prolonging the match.