Censorship galore! Hello Pojo Readers, Crunch$G here with the first What You Should Know of 2019, and it’ll be on the first of what I assume will be two Legendary Duelists of the year, Sisters of the Rose. This set took five female protagonists from the anime series and gave their archetypes new support, cause it is about time the ladies’ archetypes got their own set. In here are cards for Harpies, Cyber Angels, Plants/Rose Dragons, Rank 10 Trains, and Lunalights (shockingly not Melodious). I feel like with previous Legendary Duelists that this set did very good in supporting the deck types inside, so I guess I’ll talk about what kind of support these decks got. This time around I’ll mention the reprints with the archetypes to make this article a little shorter and since all the reprints go with the new support for each archetype. With that all out of the way, let’s get to talking about some new cards.
Harpie Ladies Unite
The first archetype is Mai’s Harpie archetype, which this is the second time Mai is featured in one of these sets since her Amazoness cards were in the first Legendary Duelists. This time is her more iconic archetype and one that has more of a backbone to it than Amazoness when it comes to a play style. I’ll mention now that the new Harpie monsters are treated as Harpie Lady while on the field or in the GY, cause that’s how most of the Harpie monsters work. The first new card is Harpie Perfumer, which upon Normal or Special Summon can search for any Spell/Trap that lists Harpie Lady Sisters in its text, and if you control a Level 5 or higher Harpie monster, then you can search another card with a different name with the same requirement from your deck to your hand, and this is a hard once per turn effect. The second new monster is Harpie
Oracle, which can be Special Summoned from the hand if you control a Level 5 or higher Harpie monster and if it is Normal or Special Summoned, then during the End Phase of that turn you can add back one Spell/Trap from your GY that specifically lists Harpie Lady Sisters in its text, with both effects also being a hard once per turn. Their first new Spell is the Continuous Spell Alluring Mirror Split, which when Harpie Lady (once again remember most Harpie monsters are treated as Harpie Lady on the field) or Harpie Lady Sisters is destroyed by battle you can Special Summon a Harpie monster with a different original name from your deck to your hand and if Alluring Mirror Split in its owner’s control is destroyed by an opponent’s card effect or a
Harpie’s card effect, then you can revive any Harpie monster in your GY, also both effects of this card are hard once per turns. The other new Spell is the Normal Spell Harpie’s Feather Rest that lets you target any 3 Harpie Lady (same as earlier with the Harpie monsters, but also in the GY) and/or Harpie Lady Sisters and shuffle them into the deck to draw 1 card, but if you control a Level 5 or higher Harpie then you can draw 2 instead but no matter how many you draw you are locked to Special Summoning WIND monsters for the rest of the turn, and you can only use one of these a turn. The final new card is Harpie Lady Elegance, which is a Normal Trap that when activated will shuffle a Harpie Lady Sisters you control into the deck to Special Summon one Harpie monster each with a different original name from your hand, deck, and GY each and then you are locked to only Special Summoning WIND monsters for the rest of the turn, also if this card in its owner’s control is destroyed by an opponent’s card effect or a Harpie card’s effect then you can add any Harpie monster from your deck to your hand, and as before both effects are a hard once per turn. As for Harpie reprints, Harpie’s Feather Storm is reprinted as a Super Rare cause Harpie’s Feather Duster is banned over here and probably will still be on the next list, and for commons there are reprints for Harpie Lady Sisters, Harpie Queen, Elegant Egotist, Harpie’s Hunting Ground, Harpie Lady Phoenix Formation, and Triangle Ecstasy Spark.
The Magnificent Cyber Angels
Next up in this set is Alexis’s Cyber Angel archetype, which oddly might be one of the newest archetypes to get new support in here since despite being in GX over a decade ago we didn’t get the Cyber Angels until 2016. Nonetheless, we got more support to help the archetype out some more. The first new card is the new Ritual Monster Cyber Angel Izana, which can be summoned with Machine Angel Ritual and if it is Ritual Summoned then you can make your opponent send one Spell/Trap they control to the GY, when Izana destroys an opponent’s monster in battle and sends it to the GY then you can activate its effect to let it attack another opponent’s monster once again that turn immediately, and finally once per turn when your opponent activates a card/effect that targets a Cyber Angel Ritual that you control (Quick Effect) then you can shuffle a Ritual
Monster in your GY to the deck to destroy one card they control. Next up is Cyber Egg Angel, which when Summoned can search for you any Machine Angel Spell or Ritual Sanctuary from your deck to your hand and this is a hard once per turn effect. Their first Spell is Merciful Machine Angel, which is a Normal Spell that when activated lets you tribute one Cyber Angel Ritual Monster from your hand or field to let you draw 2 cards and then put one card from your hand back to the bottom of your deck, then you are locked to Ritual Summoning for your Special Summons for the rest
of the turn and you can only activate one of these a turn. Next up is Incarnated Machine Angel, which is a Continuous Spell that gives your Cyber Angels protection from destruction in battle and when you take battle or effect damage, then you can tribute one Cyber Angel Ritual from your hand or field to Special Summon any Cyber Angel Ritual from your hand (this is treated as a Ritual Summon) and you can only use that effect of this card once per turn. Finally is Magnificent Machine Angel, which is a Quick-Play Spell that lets you tribute one Cyber Angel Ritual Monster from your hand or field to then let one LIGHT Fairy monster you control gain 200 ATK and DEF times the Level of the tributed monster for the rest of the turn and also that turn when it battles an opponent’s Special Summoned monster from the Extra Deck, that monster has its effects negated, and finally insert here that you can only activate one of these a turn. The reprints for this archetype were all commons and they were Cyber Petit Angel, Cyber Angel Benten, Cyber Angel Idaten, Cyber Angel Dakini, Machine Angel Ritual, and Ritual Sanctuary.
Garden of the Black Rose Dragon
Next up is Akiza’s Rose Dragon/Plant support cards. First off is the generic Level 5 Synchro, Garden Rose Maiden, which if Special Summoned can add one Black Garden from your deck or GY to your hand and can be banished from the GY to target any Rose Dragon or Dragon-type Synchro in your GY and Special Summon it, also both effects are a hard once per turn. Next up is Dark Rose Fairy, which can Special Summon herself from your hand when a Tuner(s) is Special Summoned (excluding during Damage Step) and if she is in your GY, then you can send one card from your hand or field to the GY to put her back on top or bottom of your deck and both of her effects are a hard once per turn. The last monster for this support is the Level 3 Tuner, Red Rose
Dragon, which if it is sent to the GY as a Synchro Material, then you can Special Summon one Rose Dragon from your hand or deck and if the Synchro Summon was for a Black Rose Dragon or Plant-type Synchro, then you can add one Frozen Rose or Blooming of the Darkest Rose from your deck to your hand, and obviously you can only use this effect once per turn. Frozen Rose is a Quick-Play Spell that makes you send one face-up monster you control to your GY and then
apply a certain effect depending on the Type of the monster that was sent, where if it was a Plant-type then during the End Phase of the turn you draw 2 cards then discard one and if it was a non-Plant then you can immediately search for any Plant from your deck to your hand, also you can only activate one Frozen Rose per turn. Finally, the Normal Trap Blooming of the Darkest Rose will Special Summon Rose Tokens (same as the ones Black Garden summons) in Defense Position to either side of the field up to the combined number of cards in the Field Zones and all the Field Spells in the GYs and if this card is in your GY, then you can target one Black Rose Dragon or Plant monster in your Monster Zone and banish it to place this card on the bottom of your deck and the banished monster will return during the next Standby Phase, and only the effect to return to the deck is a hard once per turn. All the reprints for this archetype are also all common and they are Black Rose Dragon, Twilight Rose Knight, Witch of the Black Rose, Blue Rose Dragon, Black Garden, and Mark of the Rose.
All Abroad the Hype Train
Up next is Anna Kaboom’s Rank 10 Train deck to get support, and ZEXAL might of been the hardest to find a deck to support since the other option was an anime exclusive archetype and beyond that there weren’t many prominent women in the anime with archetype decks. Anyway, the first card for the Rank 10 Train deck is the Rank 11 Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe, which requires 3 Level 11 monsters for the Xyz summon or once per turn you can summon a Liebe by overlaying it on top of a Rank 10 Machine Xyz (its materials become a part of it), also once per turn (not a hard once per turn if you have more of this) you can detach a material to give this 2000 ATK (doesn’t last til the end of this turn so you can keep boosting it) but for the rest of the turn other monsters cannot attack, also no matter if you detach a
material or not this card can attack monsters each Battle Phase up to the number of Xyz materials this has +1. Super Express Bullet Train is a Level 10 that cannot attack unless you send two cards you control to the GY and its other two effects are hard once per turns where if all monsters you control are EARTH Machines (min. 1) then this can be Special Summoned from the hand and if this card is sent to the GY, then you can add a Machine monster from your GY to your hand at the End Phase of the turn it is sent to the GY except Super Express Bullet Train. Flying Pegasus Railroad Stampede is a Level 4 that when Normal/Special Summoned lets you target one EARTH Machine monster in your GY (excluding another Flying Pegasus) and Special Summon it in
Defense Position with its effects negated, also while you control this monster and another monster then you can target another monster you control and you can have both that monster and this have their levels become this monster’s level or the targeted monster’s level but this effect will lock you to only being able to attack with Xyz monsters, and both effects are a hard once per turn. Urgent Schedule is a Quick-Play Spell that if your opponent controls more monsters than you, then you can activate this to Special Summon a Level 4 or lower EARTH Machine and a Level 5 or higher EARTH Machine from your deck in Defense Position with negated effects and then you can only attack with Machines for that turn, also if Urgent Schedule is sent from the field to the GY while set, then you can search for any Level 10 Machine out of your deck, and each effect of this card are hard once per turns. Finally you got the Continuous Trap Barrage Blast, which once per turn (not a hard once per turn for if you control more) lets you detach any number of materials from Machine Xyz monsters you control to then target the same number of cards on the field as detached materials and destroy them, also if a Machine Xyz you control is destroyed in battle or by card effect while this is in your GY then you can banish this and one Machine Xyz to burn your opponent for 200 damage times the Rank. Finally for reprints, as a rare you have Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max, then for commons you got Night Express Knight, Snow Plow Hustle Rustle, Ruffian Railcar, Construction Train Signal Red, and Special Schedule.
Dance of the Lunalights
Finally, we get to Celina’s Lunalight archetype. First is the new Fusion, Lunalight Sabre Dancer, which is a Fusion of any 3 Lunalight monsters and it must be Fusion Summoned, it gains 200 ATK for each Beast-Warrior that is banished or in the GYs, also your opponent cannot target this with card effects, and with a hard once per turn effect that during your Main Phase, except the turn it was sent to the GY, you can banish this monster from your GY to give a Fusion monster you control a 3000 ATK boost for the turn. Next up is Lunalight Emerald Bird, which if Normal or Special Summoned can let you send from your hand to the GY a Lunalight card to draw a card, also if Emerald Bird is sent to your GY via a card effect then you can target one of your
Level 4 or lower Lunalight monsters that are banished or in your GY (excluding Emerald Bird) and Special Summon it in Defense Position with negated effects, also both effects of Emerald Bird are a hard once per turn. Lunalight Yellow Marten is another new monster that if it is in your hand or GY, then you can bounce a Lunalight card you control to your hand that isn’t a Yellow Marten, to Special Summon this in Defense Position from where it was (hand or GY) but it is banished if it leaves the field, also if this card is sent to the GY via a card effect then you can add 1 Lunalight Spell/Trap from your deck to your hand (sadly not Luna Light Perfume because of that space), also both effects of Yellow Marten
are a hard once per turn. Lunalight Fusion is a Normal Spell that is the archetypal Fusion Spell that lets you Fusion Summon a Lunalight Fusion by using monsters in your hand or on the field as material, but if your opponent controls a monster that was Special Summoned from the Extra Deck then you can use a Lunalight monster in your Extra Deck as material, and you can only activate 1 Lunalight Fusion a turn. Finally is the Continuous Trap that is Lunalight Serenade Dance, which when a Fusion Monster is Fusion Summoned, you apply two effects in sequence (summoning a Lunalight Token to your opponent’s field that has 2000 ATK and DEF and then boosting the Fusion for 500 ATK for each monster your opponent controls even after Serenade Dance leaves the field) and also during your Main Phase you can banish Serenade Dance from your GY to then send one card from your hand to the GY and if you do, then you can Special Summon a Lunalight monster from your deck, and each effect of this card are hard once per turns. Finally for reprints in this archetype, all of which are commons, you got Lunalight Blue Cat, Lunalight Kaleido Chick, Lunalight Cat Dancer, Lunalight Panther Dancer, Lunalight Leo Dancer, and Luna Light Perfume.
In Conclusion
I think the Harpie Lady support is pretty solid. It really adds to the consistency of the deck with the search power and recovery. The only problem with it is that it seems it wants you to play Harpie Lady Sisters, which really needs a retrain because it isn’t very good, so those effects that want you to have a Level 5+ Harpie on the field will only ever go off if you control Harpie’s Pet Dragon more than likely since that card is useful with Channeler at least. For Harpie reprints, nothing I see really needed the reprint, though Harpie Queen is a little nice to have reprinted in common and Harpie Lady Phoenix Formation was only in the Joey’s World Legendary Collection.
For the Cyber Angels, the new Ritual might be a nice one of, outing Spells and Traps can be nice and it can recycle your Rituals when your Cyber Angel Rituals are targeted, it would of just been nice if it negated the effect instead of destroying a card, while Cyber Egg Angel might be another one of considering Terraforming searches Ritual Sanctuary and you got Manju for the Ritual Spells so its niche will be searching the new cards, where all the new Spells might be nice with Benten and Idaten, but I’d say only use the new draw Spell and maybe the Continuous Spell, also the reprints were fine since Benten and Ritual Sanctuary might of saw price spikes if they went too long without a reprint.
The Plant support is nice, and I like Rose Dragons especially when we get White Rose Dragon in the Savage Strike Special Edition. The Black Garden searcher is a great card and it does synergize with Black Garden being a Plant with 1600 ATK, meaning you’d only need two tokens for Black Garden to revive it just so she can get Black Garden right back. Also the Quick-Play is great for searching any plant, especially Lonefire Blossom. I’d say the only nice reprint for the Plants might be Black Garden and maybe having another Black Rose Dragon printing will be useful.
I really like the Rank 10 Train support. A 6000 ATK multiple attacker is dangerous, especially after Gustav Max potentially burns for 2000. The monsters are good for helping facilitate a Rank 10 Summon and Urgent Schedule can help get a Machine Link Monster like Qliphort Genius or the dedicated Rank 10 Train Link Monster out when we get that. Barrage Blast might find a niche as a one of as well, just sucks that this deck type has four Ultra Rares and one Super Rare, probably making it the highest rarity archetype in here. Gustav Max, Night Express Knight, and Special Schedule are also some good reprints to have for the deck.
Finally, I also like the new Lunalight support giving it more OTK power as well as good field presence with some new cards summoning monsters. Yellow Marten is going to be great for getting Lunalight Fusion, since Black Sheep can search for Polymerization. Also Fusion Summoning can easily trigger the second effects of Yellow Marten and Emerald Bird for said Lunalight Spell/Trap search and Lunalight monster revival. Sabre Dancer is going to be good if you don’t want to summon Cat Dancer due to not being able to go up into Panther and Leo Dancer, also it being in the GY can give your Fusions a boost since they all have effects to attack multiple times. I get the Trap summoning a token since Cat and Panther Dancer can attack the same monster twice and protect it from battle destruction the first time so they can get more damage, but that Trap might be used with Foolish Burial Goods for the deck summon more likely. Panther Dancer needed a reprint and Leo Dancer and Luna Light Perfume getting reprints isn’t that bad either.
So in conclusion, I think the archetypes got some good support. Cyber Angels might of got the worst of it, but they already had great cards in the archetype along with working with cards like Manju, Herald of Perfection, and Saffira. Rank 10 Trains and Lunalights might have more rogue potential and the new plant cards will be useful in many Plant decks probably. Harpies get more consistency and with their Link Monster, they begin getting more meta potential if the right support comes. Overall, another good Legendary Duelists, but another case where I say only buy the sealed product if you want multiple archetypes, and if you don’t want anything out of here, then you probably don’t need to buy anything.
Thanks for Reading,