Madolche Queen Tiarafraise – #INFO-EN044
3 Level 5 “Madolche” monsters
Once per turn, you can also Xyz Summon “Madolche Queen Tiarafraise” by using “Madolche Queen Tiaramisu” you control. (Transfer its materials to this card.) Once per opponent’s turn (Quick Effect): You can detach 1 material from this card, then target up to 2 “Madolche” cards in your GY; shuffle them into the Deck, also shuffle up to the same number of cards your opponent controls into the Deck. If this card in your possession is destroyed by an opponent’s card and sent to your GY: Return this card to the Extra Deck.
Date Reviewed: August 26th, 2024
Rating: 3.92
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale. 1 is awful. 3 is average. 5 is excellent.
Reviews Below:

King of
Hello Pojo Fans,
New Madolche support in 2024? Maybe there’s hope for other archetypes as well.
Madolche Queen Tiarafraise is the archetype’s newest Xyz monster. While you can use three Level 5 Madolche monsters, you are more likely to rank up using Tiramisu after using her effect to shuffle back two Madolche monsters and shuffle back two of your opponent’s cards. Tiarafraise has the same effect as Tiramisu, however, only being able to use Tiramisu’s effect once per turn makes ranking up into Tiarafraise and reusing that ability a major advantage to you. The potential to cycle back four Madolche and bounce four cards of your opponent’s in one turn clears the field for you to swarm. The effect of Tiramisu now on Tiarafraise is upgraded as well to a Quick Effect allowing you to interact on your opponent’s turn, the only Quick Effect in the archetype other than Teacher Glassouffle.
Placing itself back into the Extra Deck upon being destroyed by an opponent’s card saves you the need to run multiple copies of the card, as well as readies you to repeat the Tiramisu into Tiarafraise combo.
Great addition to the archetype. Madolche love to Xyz Summon but needed something to interact wit the opponent and a stronger ability to clear boards of troublesome cards. Tiarafraise makes it easy to do with copying Tiramisu and makes it possible for big turns now in the archetype. Not to mention if Tiramisu is negated you don’t lose out because you will just rank up into Tiarafraise.
Advanced- 3.5/5 Art- 4/5
Until Next Time,

Archetype support week comes with several new boss monsters for a few archetypes, including Madolche and their new Xyz: Madolche Queen Tiarafraise.
Tiarafraise is a Rank 5 EARTH Fairy Xyz with 2600 ATK and 2500 DEF. A solid stat line for a Rank 5, EARTH/Fairy also makes for a nice combination. Regular materials are 3 Level 5 Madolche monsters, which certainly isn’t happening when Puddingcess is the only one, instead you’ll summon it once per turn by slapping it on top of Tiaramisu, which is a pretty easy monster to summon. Materials are of course transfered. Once per opponent’s turn, you get a Quick Effect to detach a material from this card to target up to 2 Madolche cards in your graveyard and shuffle them into the Deck to shuffle the same number of cards the opponent controls into the Deck. Basically, we take the old Tiaramisu’s effect and apply it on the opponent’s turn, giving you some good disruptiton for the opponent’s turn now. Tiaramisu is great, but it was always a downer you could never do it on the opponent’s turn, until now. The other effect of this card returns it to the Extra Deck upon destruction by an opponent’s card, which is classic Madolches. Tiarafraise helps Madolche cover some more disruption via removal on the opponent’s turn, something they didn’t have a lot of for years. You can only summon her once a turn by putting her on top of Tiaramisu, but both Tiaramisu and Tiarafraise are great. Play 1-2 of this I feel like.
Advanced Rating: 4/5
Art: 4.5/5 What if we took Tiaramisu’s art, and took the picture from behind?

This week we’re covering some archetype support from Infinite Forbidden with waves that weren’t full enough to justify their own weeks– starting with Madolche Queen Tiarafraise, an upgrade for Madolche Queen Tiaramisu as a Rank 5 EARTH Fairy Xyz monster. Tiarafraise takes any 3 level 5 Madolches, which is actually almost impossible without a godlike hand, but fortunately there is a way around that! Fittingly, Tiarafraise’s stats are a straight upgrade to Tiaramisu’s, boosting them by 400 each for a total of 2600 attack and 2500 defense. A little underwhelming, but Madolche’s OTK power is good enough that it’s not the end of the world.
Similar to Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-Mode, you can Xyz Summon Tiarafraise once per turn using a Tiaramisu you control as material, getting its Xyz materials in the process. Otherwise, you’d have to summon multiple Puddingcess, a challenge that nobody has the time for. Tiarafraise, oddly enough, has a spin on the Madolche Main Deck monster self-recycling gimmick, returning itself to the Extra Deck if it’s destroyed and sent to the Graveyard. Makes you wonder why the other Madolche Extra Deck monsters don’t do this, but better late than never I suppose. Tiarafraise’s last effect is a soft once per turn Quick Effect only usable during your opponent’s turn, detaching a material to shuffle up to 2 Madolche cards in your Graveyard back into your deck and shuffle the same number of card from your opponent’s field back into the deck. Madolche players have been praying for this for years and their call has finally been answered; it’s a Quick Effect version of Tiaramisu’s effect, which has always been a fantastic boardbreaker, but the deck has gone long enough without a solid boss monster with disruption. It’s still a little disappointing that it can only be used during your opponent’s turn, but beggars can’t be choosers. Recycling your own cards is also icing on the (almost literal) cake. Combined with Madolche Mini Meowcaroons, this is a solid support wave overall, though they’ll need a bit more help with frailty to break through the meta.
+Fantastic disruption that recycles and can eliminate most non-Towers monsters
+Roundabout way of making Tiaramisu a boss to make on turn 1
-Spin effect is limited to the opponent’s turn
-Requiring the original Tiaramisu ruins potentially powerful combo lines
Advanced: 4.25/5
Art: 4/5 I’d say this was a bit lazy, but we see Tiaramisu from the front already so might as well see the back of her chair, I guess…
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