
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Guerrilla Tactics
Alliances - Uncommon
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 2.74
(7 Reviews)
Limited: 3.76 (7 Reviews)
Reviewed August 1, 2002
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

Week's Card Selector
Guerilla Tactics is an early form of the Madness
mechanic that we have today. Unfortunately,
you can
only get the increased effect of it if your
makes you discard, so the strategy is lost there.
could easily combine it with yesterday's card,
Scandalmonger, for some fun.
In Limited, this is cheap, effective burn and is
played every chance you find it.
Constructed: 3
Limited: 5
Guerilla Tactics has always been an intriguing
card. Never
strong enough to stand on its damage dealing
capacity, the Tactics shines in
situations where your opponent causes you to
discard cards. Reliably, this
is only done in Type One these days. I've
seen players there metagame these
main deck versus Hymns, Wheels, Memory Jars, Mind
Twist, and so forth.
Maybe more of a sideboard card, at least the
Tactics can always be played.
In limited, of course, direct damage in important,
all the more so because
Alice was such a slow block. Five Color sees
the Tactics in heavy burn
decks, but red is quite possibly the least played
of the colors, and as
such, there are simply cards with more power
Constructed - 2.5
Limited - 3.5
Lets not beat around the bush. 2 mana for two
that can't be split (a la arc lightning) sucks.
extra ability is interesting , it's too
situational to
be that useful.
In constructed, I can only see this card as a
sideboard card, and a weak one at that. As you may
well just use shock, firebolt or incinerate, it
gets a
In limited, burn is always useful, even if it is
overcosted. Even though you'll likely never use
ability, it get a 2

1R, Instant, Alliances Common
Guerrilla Tactics deals 2 damage to target
creature or player.
If a spell or effect controlled by an opponent
causes you to discard Guerrilla Tactics from
your hand, reveal Guerrilla Tactics to all
players, and it deals 4 damage to target
creature or player.
I have always loved this card and I really wish
it would be reprinted or at least modified into
an even more broken form and released. First off
it's burn and then against the old school
discard decks it's double burn. This card would
at least give red a little help today and we all
know red needs all the instant burn it can get.
This card was an always take in draft and I
think it would still be today.

One of the first
cards that really punished discard. Its 2 damage
for 1R was not bad in and of itself, but it
really shined when your opponent made you
discard it. It was then able to deal 4 damage
for free. In the formats that is was and is
legal, however, I would rather play Incinerate.
For Incinerate, you get 3 damage, no questions
asked. The occasional ability to do 4 damage
didn't outweigh the need to make your opponent
play a discard spell on you.
In limited, however,
this is removal. Alice sealed decks typically
ran about 12 creatures (because there
weren't that many creatures in the format).
Therefore, being able to take out one of your
opponent's creatures gets a much higher value in
that format than it would in a limited format
today. And, in a pinch, you can always throw it
at your opponent to finish them off.
Constructed: 2.2
Limited: 4.3

This card brings back
memories. There was something very special
about getting Hymned turn 2, and then them picking
two of these. Hippies taking them were very
nice as well. Take 2 once, then burn the
crap outta that silly hippie. Old school
players will like this card.
In limited, burn is burn. It's cheap,
effective, and always playable.
- 4
Limited - 4
Current Price - $.95 |

Hornberg |
This was a card I was not really
aware of before I looked it up fairly
recently. What an odd little card! I
think it could be good, but a 2cc
that does only 2 damage is kind of crappy for
burn. That added ability
to do 4 for nothing when discarded reminds me of
Basking Rootwalla, and
the madness ability for that matter, but since it
only works when an
opponent makes you discard it, it can make it kind
of useless. Fun
sideboard for casual, and can make for an
interesting, janky, and "What
the hell is THAT!?!" moment in extended or
any format. In constructed, a 2.
In limited, the standard equation remains:
Burn = Good. This card is
no exception, and is not too bad a pick. The
only problem is that
Alliances had very little in the way of Discard,
so it's marooned at a
2cc Burn spell for only 2 damage, with a fairly
useless perk. A 3 in
Limited. |