
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Hunted Wumpus
Mercadian Masques - Uncommon
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 3.16
(8 Reviews)
Limited: 4.10 (8 Reviews)
Reviewed August 2, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Week's Card Selector
Hunted Wumpus was played a lot once it got away
Mophling, and even some before. A 6/6 for 4
mana is a
great deal and there aren't going to be many
your opponent will play that will match up to it.
I t
just cries for some kind of evasion, though.
having this guy continually bounced is ugly.
In limited, this guy is a cheap beatstick and the
above rule applies. He should be the biggest
thing on
the table.
Constructed: 3.5
Limited: 4
Hunting Wumpus rarely saw much play in Type Two
where opponents
could also drop any one of a number of big, nasty
creatures - Blastoderm,
Covetous Dragon, Masticore, Morphling, Shivan Wurm,
Invasion Dragons were
all played while the Wumpus was legal. It
saw some action in Type One,
however, in Zoo like decks as a replacement for
Erhnam Djinn. Big creatures
are far more rare in Type One, increasing its
value tremendously. In
limited, it would occasionally come back to bite
you, but most opponents
rarely had a creature as good as the Wumpus,
making it much more playable.
I've seen it occasionally in Five Color, but there
are a lot of creatures
running around in some decks, and the occasionally
casual nature of Five
Color means you cannot predict what gets played
off a Wumpus - Everything
from Legends to Colossus of Sardia to Hypnox and
Draco see play, and I'd
hate to see Teeka's Dragon or something fly down
off my Wumpus.
Constructed - 2
Limited - 3.3
A 6/6 for 4 mana and a relatively mild
isn't too bad.
In constructed, his disadvantage is fairly easy to
around eg. throw an ostracize at your oppenent
you play the wumpus etc. Alos, unlike blastoderm
(another big creature for 4 mana without trample)
can rancor the wumpus. A 4 in constucted.
In limited, he's difficult to deal with (being so
tough) and he's only got one green mana in the
cost so he is easier to play. However, in limited,
your opponent is more likely to be able to put a
creature into play. I give him a 4, simply because
he's a beasty creature.

Wumpi are generally cool cards.
This one was fairly powerful because it was
so large for so cheap. Essentially you're
guessing that whatever your
opponent gets is not going to be nearly as
powerful as what you're putting
into play. A 3.5 in constructed decks (much
better against weenie beatdown
decks) and a 4 in Limited. |

I always have liked this creature and as long as
you knew what your opponent's deck had in it you
could play around the Wumpus' drawback of giving
them a free creature. There were always risks,
but getting a 6/6 for 3G is generally worth
taking a risk for. In limited he was a little
better than in constructed and he won lots of
drafts for green mages who were willing to risk
the free creature. Overall he is a solid card
that I would like to see in 8th edition.

A great undercosted
creature. The drawback of your opponent putting
a creature into play for free frequently isn't
that bad of a drawback. Having said that, this
really didn't fit into a green mage's strategy
around that time (fast, cheap creatures). It
could work from the sideboard if need be,
but I didn't find myself wanting to play it.
In multiplayer, the
drawback gets a lot worse, as frequently, your
opponents will each be drooping a very nasty
creature and thanking you for it. I would
definately stay away from this in mulitplayer
games. It might be helpful in an Emporer format,
but it would depend on the other team's decks,
and so, I still probably wouldn't touch it.
In limited, this guy
was a great beatstick. I was only burned once on
him ... my opponent played a Deadly Insect with
the Wumpus, and then, when I played Charmed
Griffin next turn, he put a Flaming Sword on the
Insect. =\. Still, I wouldn't hesitate to play
the Wumpus again.
Constructed: 2.8
Limited: 4.5

This guy is all about
the environment. I played him the board of
three deuce in Vegas against Sligh and the mirror,
not to mention a fattie vs Donate. If there
are a lotta fatties running around, keep him
home. If the environment is weenie filled or
a lot of control, he's not bad at all.
In limited, I've never had a problem with a 6/6
for 4....NEVER.
- 3.5
Limited - 4.5
Current Price - $.95 |

Hornberg |
A 4cc 6/6 creature is amazing.
Slap Rancor on this guy, and cruise to
victory.... Unfortunately, the catch to this
guy can be bad, because it
gives your opponent an attacker for the next turn,
or a blocker when the
Wumpus actually attacks. He's a double edged
sword, but is worth it if
you play your cards right.
Unfortunately, the raving over this card lasted
for approzximately 3
months, until the release Nemesis, and the new
star 4cc creature -
Blastoderm. Hunted Wumpus may be bigger, but
'Derm has too many things
on this guy in too many formats (Such as not being
able to be targeted,
and having a drawback that is considerably easier
to handle.) Hunted
Wumpus isn't bad, enough to draw a 3 in
constructed in my book, but
Blastoderm is much better.
In limited, Big Creatures + Low Casting Cost =
Winner. His drawback is
a risk you have to take, and I see this guy going
1st pick all the time.
Unless their is a card in that pack that is
much much much better, and
I don't think their would be, this guy goes first.
His size and casting
cost outweighs his drtawback, and gets a 4.5 in my
book. |