
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image Courtesy
7th Edition
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: *.**
(* Reviews)
Limited: *.** (* Reviews)
Reviewed August 19, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Week's Card Selector
Although I am no friend of combo/lock decks, I
find the sheer number of
ways this card has been used make it one of the
most fun and interesting
cards ever printed. I have seen it used with
elves, birds, merfolk,
squirrels, but sadly never goblins :( With
all this variety I think it
would be a good candidate for 8th edition.
In limited it is not very
useful because it is hard to get enough permanents
to make it truly viable.
Constructed: 4.25
Limited: 2.0


Opposition has been a
dominant card from the day it was released.
Icy Manipulators coming in the form of Squirrels,
Fish, and whatever else form they want is
amazing. At a time when I was basically
dormant in magic my roommate at the time (now, up
an coming PT Regular Jonathan Pechon) handed me a
deck with Deranged Hermit and Opposition when I
wanted to play in a random Mox tournament.
With no practice, I walked with Jewelery.
The card is that good. The deck is that
good. It's also a LOT of fun. :)
In limited, it's just as good. Take a
blue deck. Add opposition. Add 16+
critters. If you draw opposition, you
usually win.
As far as 8th edition goes, without the
somewhat combolicious Static Orb being printed,
the card loses some inherent power, but is still
very solid and I would like to see what it could
do in 8th edition.
- 4.5
Limited - 4.5
Current Price - $6.20 in Destiny, $5.20 in 7th
Edition |
This is the cornerstone of the Squirrel Prison
deck -
and thats about it. However, there are many ways
make lots of token in the Odyssey block so the
may make a comeback. It gets a 3 in constructed.
This card is far better in limited. You could tap
small creature to stop a much larger creature from
attacking. When you go for the kill, the same
creature could tap a potential blocker to let more
your creatures through. Also, its less likely to
disenchanted in limited. I'll give it a 4.
Should it be in 8th? Why not!? It was in 7th so
wizards obviously think its an appropriate card
the basic set and reprinting it might revive a
deck archetype.

A great card for both limited and constructed. The
ability to tap down your
opponent's best creature with one of yours gives
you time to be able to take
control of the board and win, I t also helps that
you can tap a land also,
making your opponent unable to cast spells.
Combine with Static Orb for
greater efficiency.
In limited, I would definately play this if I got
it. Even though this card
has to stand on its own, it is easily able to take
control of the board for
the win. Play it if you have it.
Constructed: 4.5
Limited: 5
Since Static Orb isn't in 8th Edition, the power
this card has is less.
However, it has, and would continue to make a good
card all on its own. I
would like to see it stick around.

Opposition makes every creature,
even a 1/1 for 9 a 'good card'. Its now an
Icy Manipulator. In Constructed its as good
as the deck that's built around
it. This plus a continuous source of
creatures makes for really bad times
for everything that's not pro-blue. In
limited this is truly a bomb and
would always lead me to play blue. 4 in
Constructed, 4.5 in Limited.
Clearly one of the most impactful cards in
standard, opposition is powerful
and threatening. An excellent addition to
Blue/Green, Opposition is the
root of many of the best decks in the format.
Squirrel Nest is the card
that makes Opposition as great as it is putting it
over the top as a way to
violate the rules of card advantage and tempo, at
the price of tapping
creatures. I believe that Opposition is an
important part of standard, and
though it is practically broken, I think it should
be reprinted. A 4.5 in
standard, a 4 in limited.

Hornberg |
Opposition is one of the core cards
defining Type II right now. It is
dangerous in the fact that it can control
anything, using anything that
can produce a lot of either tokens or weenies (see
ALL the versions of
Squirrel Opposition and Merfolk Opposition from
last year.) In
constructed right now, it is a deciding factor for
type II, and not
really on the map, but still there in Extended,
and gets a 4.
In limited, slow down the opponent, and can help
you get your fatties
through. I'd take it first if I were playing
blue. A 4 here too.
As for Opposition being in 8th Edition, I think
it's too dangerous for
the format. I saw how people abused Tangle
Wire, and Type II players
now are getting a first hand view of how to abuse
something 3x better
than that (if they didn't back when Destiny was T
II legal.) I
personally don't want to see it again, but many
opinions are going to
conflict with me. If it does get reprinted,
it will only get better,
because it will have a whole supporting cast from
Odyssey, plus what
ever it gains from Onslaught block. |