
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

The Nest is a fine card that is solid in all
formats. For 1GG you get to
turn one of your land into a 1/1 squirrel
generator and since you are
usually putting it on a green land there will be
many times where you make
the squirrel at the end of your opponents turn for
attacking purposes or
you can just generate endless chump blockers,
either way it's solid. It is
not a glamorous card and doesn't invoke fear from
your opponents like a
Blatoderm or Serra Angel but it is a solid very
useful card.
This is a great card. It's a lot of fun and it's
very powerful. Any card
that creates a creature every turn without a great
cost (tapping a land is
not a great cost) is a great card. I play this in
a lot of decks. Besides
squirrels are fun. This card does well against
Braids and it can stop an
opponent competely if they're planning on killing
you with their Wurm token.
:) :) :) In sealed it is a must draft,
even if you are not playing green.

good. This card has forced people to pack
ways to deal with it. Just like Kjeldoran
Outpost was such a defining card in it's
environment, this one is too. If you don't
have a way top deal with it, it will more than
likely kill you.
In limited, it's
ridiculous as well. A game winner.
- 4.5
Limited - 4.5
Current Price - $2.95 |

Once in a while, you get a good token producer,
and it helps to spawn a
archtype. Hardly anyone plays things that can kill
or bounce a land in
constructed these days, so the drawback of
attacking it to a land isn't very
much of a drawback. And there is also very little
enchantment kill being
plaed, so once it's on, it's usually pretty
golden. It's also great to
produce guys to help with Opposition.
This is just as good as limited. Typically, people
are playing a way to
bounce or kill the land (or worse, take the Nest
[Aura Graft]), but, they
have to draw it.
Constructed: 5
Limited: 5
Peatross |
Squirrel's Nest is an extremely
solid card. Its not broken, but it is quite
good. This card would lean me towards trying
to play green (if it wasn't
already one of the more solid colors in limited),
and I have hated seeing it
against me in limited. A 3.5 in Constructed
and a 4 in Limited. |