
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

mana, 3 damage. Cheap, efficient, the
original, broken. The best removal spell
ever printed for red, bar none. If you are
running red as a main theme, any environment where
this is legal, there should be 4. End of
In limited, it's
removal, and good removal. You take and play
Limited: 4.5
Current Price:
$1.41 |

Gerhardt |
Lightning Bolt is broken when it comes to direct
damage. Under-costed as a (R) instant that can
smack both creatures and players, it isn't legal
in sanctioned Type 2 or Extended, but you'll still
find it in many a Red Mage's casual deck.
Lightning Bolt can
be found in Alpha and Beta, along with the White
Bordered sets: Unlimited, Revised and 4th.
If you, by some
bizarre circumstance, happen to be playing limited
with one of the above sets, it's an auto-pick
early even if you are not going Red (splash it,
please...). In casual constructed, it's a great
card for red, again, under-costed, and you'd
better be playing 4 if you are going with burn.
Another staple card for your card collection.
Constructed - 5
Limited - 5
Schweppe |
Tuesday - Lightning
We just reviewed Shock,
and that was simply a sedated version of this.
Funny how we all reviewed it VERY high. Well this
is one step better, going
from good to broken. Need I say more?
Well I better just to
make sure :-). 3 direct damage to anything is
great. Early on, you can take out a LOT of big
creatures, not to mention
some creatures that your opponent NEEDS. And if
they aren't playing
creatures, you can do 3 directly to them. And 3
adds up. Although shocking
your opponent once or twice may not be huge,
bolting is.
Constructed: 5
Limited: 5 |
Van Zandt |
Lightning Bolt,
cheap, efficient, and roughly one seventh of
their life.
Red decks still mourn it's loss, and since
sligh no longer has it or
fireblast, it's simply not a tier one deck
in my opinion. Since you don't
see a lot of red control decks, if you are
playing red and are allowed to
use bolt, you probably already have 4 in
your deck. In limited, it's
efficient removal and a finisher, an early
pick but not a WOW pick.
constructed: 3.5
limited: 3.5 |