
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Piledriver is mostly crap in limited. Unless
you get a great Goblin Draft or REAL lucky sealed,
it's just a money rare you opened and can use
In constructed, given
the right deck, especially with some turn 3 Raging
Goblins, it can get ugly. Swinging for 5 or
7 on turn 3 with this guy is REAL nasty.
With pro blue, he can't be bounced. If he
resolves, it's problems. A definite play in
Goblin Decks.
Limited: 1.5
Current Price: $5.95 |

Gerhardt |
A 1/2 for R1, Goblin
Piledriver is a well-costed Goblin with the
ability to hit hard or finish off a game. It can come in
with one big WHAM after a build-up of a Goblin
army, and if your opponent does not have an
answer, end of story. Being Pro-Blue certainly
helps, as a bounce to this guy is rather
Constructed - 4.0
Limited - 3

An excellent goblin
for only 2 mana. First, you get protection from
blue, which is the goblins' arch nemesis. Throw
in the fact that he gets +2/+0 for each other
attacking goblin, and you have an excellent
addition to your goblin deck. Unfortunately,
though, there is one card that completely shuts
this down in type 2: Engineered Plague. Plague
keeps the goblin deck, and, by extension, this
card, from being as good as it could be.
In limited, it's a
solid creature. It's not great, as you typically
won't have a lot of goblins to pair with this.
But the protection from blue will help a lot.
Constructed: 3.75
Limited: 2.75
Jon Schweppe |
Monday - Goblin
A great card. The base for a Goblin deck.
Basically, if you get working
quickly, damage from this guy and the rest of the
goblins in play can get
REALLY big, REALLY quick. It makes Sligh something
you want to play in Type
In limited, it's pretty good as well, if you
can get it. Goblins are
huge in Onslaught sealed, and if you can get this,
I'd say play red.
Constructed: 4
Limited: 4.5 |
Danny Tatro |
One of the better goblins ever made, mainly
cause this sucka says PROTECTION FROM BLUE. Let
alone this guy can get ridiculously big for
casting cost. They should definitely make goblins
more playable like this guy in the future.
Although it'll never make it past a wild
mongrel... that what burn is for if you can clear
your self a path. He's definitely going to see his
place somewhere... just depends on when the decide
to stop printing COP RED and start giving "burn"
decks a point.
In limited... well...
he's not exactly worth
his casting cost unless you have ALOT of goblins.
But comboed with Sparksmiths... but if you can
pluralize the fact that you have more than one
Sparksmith in draft... I don't know if you should
even play this guy cause you probably have better.
But hey... it has pro blue... but theres better
other than that.
Sealed this isn't even a playable card since
your not going to see enough to play him, and even
if you somehow did I still wouldn't play him. He's
basically puny SB against a blue deck but solid
colored decks in sealed don't exist. Maybe in
limited I guess as SB but that's about it as far as
he goes here.
Costructed: 3.5
Limited: 1.5
Sealed: 1.0 |
Rain |
Monday: Goblin Piledriver
This guy is awesome in Goblin decks. For every
other attacking Goblin, it gets pumped up. It also
has protection from blue, which makes it harder to
get rid of. If not dealed with, it can be a late
game threat that's generating a ton of damage. I
would expect this to see play in Mono-Red.
In Limited, it's harder to play because it doesn't
work good alone. It's only worth it if you can
draft a bunch of Goblins, otherwise this is a card
for contructed. ;x
Contructed: 4.0
Limited: 2.0 |