
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

of Yavimaya is poop. Actually,
it's not, but I felt like writing that to get out
personal frustrations in my life resulting from
not sleeping - like any of you care. :) Anyway,
this card was great for 50% of its life....then
Saproling Burst and Blastoderm rotated out, and it
kinda stunk. In
extended, I don't see it being used in anything
except a weird creature/combo deck. I don't
know of one now, though. In
limited, why the hell not. Giving everything
haste and a pop for +2/+2 is kinda nice.
Plus it's Christmas colors and the little
Goblin-looking thingamabobers on the front look
like they're gonna poop themselves, so it's pretty
cool there.
(Old-School): 4.5 (Now): 2
Limited: 4
Current Price:
Poop Rating: Kinda bloody, green and runny. |

Gerhardt |
When I first got into
Magic, Invasion was just being released. There was
a fantastic Fires deck that ran fast fat green
creatures, including Kavu Titan, Jade Leech,
Blastoderm and Saproling Burst, along with red
burn and other fun stuff. Fires made Blastoderm
and Burst amazing, adding a turn to their ability
to smash face - a critical extra turn for Blasty,
and for one huge hasted whomp with Burst.
Opponent's of Fires could NOT let their life total
dwindle below 13 and not leave a blocker behind,
as a single unblocked "burst" from a
burst could do 12 in one turn. Honestly, at the
time, it was the deck to measure other decks
against. If you came up with something else, you
measured it as such: "How does it do against
Fires?" If it couldn't hold up, then it
didn't matter if it could beat every other deck in
the field...Fires was the standard, and if you
couldn't take it down, you couldn't win a
Fires lost much of its kick when Masques block
rotated, and it now that it too has been relegated
to extended, it hasn't found a competitive niche.
But still a great card in a fun constructed deck,
if you're into Type 1.tabletop.
In limited, it's
playable and can really set your opponent on
edge... making them hold back on all out assaults
since they just can't know what large creature
could suddenly hit the board with haste. A decent
limited pick.
Constructed: 4
Limited: 4

Fires of Yavimaya
I tried to do a
Christmas/winter type theme this week. We start
off with the warm fire that residents of colder
climates than mine typically sit around this
time of year.
This card saw much
play back when it was type 2 legal, and for good
reason. Take the effect of Fervor, change one of
the colorless mana to green, and give it an
extra ability that really fits well in green's
theme. Combine this with cards like Saproling
Burst and Blastoderm, and you have a quck deck
that is capable of killing very quickly.
though, there are many better and faster
strategies in today's extended for this to be a
top deck. Also, in the rotation of 2005, you
lose all of the good Masques block cards that
made Fires work. So we're left with a solid deck
with no home.
In limited, you
typically played this. The haste factor threw
many people's math off, and the ability to make
one creature bigger could really mess with the
blocking schemes.
Constructed: 3.5
Limited: 4
Van Zandt |
Fires of Yavimaya
Obviously it seems that this card saw it's heyday
in block and type 2, but
when you consider that even in an environment
where haste may not have as
big of an impact, it still does pump your
critter, and this makes it have
a much greater potential (since it is never just
mediocre, it is always
worth it's casting cost in damage, and more
importantly it isn't dead in
your hand when you draw multiples) than the other
haste enchantments.
Perhaps we'll see it come back eventually.
In limited it's amazing in
almost any deck that supports the colors.
Big creatures can be hard enough
to deal with sometimes, but when they're
swinging towards your head without
any warning, this card is often a
limited: 3.75
constructed: 3.5 |