
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

we come to the end of "The 5 days of
poop." I
just can't do it. I can't call the Demon, er,
Squirrel, er Beast - poop. It's
cute. I'm a very heterosexual male, but
there's something about a mouse with a scarf
and hot chocolate with Marshmallows that warms the
cockles of my heart. This is the card I haul
out whenever some uninformed radical Christian
Coalition person tries to tell me this game is
evil. How can a cute mouse be evil? Anyway,
uh, in constructed......................IT'S
COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In
limited, well, this card is great to cast right
after you had to do the Hokey Pokey with a Charm
School on your head while you're not wearing any
pants because you don't want to be denimwalked
Yes, I have removed my pants in the middle of a
game store (Games Galore in Arlington, TX to be
exact) to avoid being denimwalked. Anyway,
I have REALLY sidetracked here. In the end,
I have to ask one real question - who really gives
a flying "poop" how good this card is -
you don't play with it - you look at it.
No one cares
Limited: Still, No one cares.
Current Price:
Poop Rating: Evil, demonic, oh-so-cute, but
constipated none-the-less. (Scott's
disclaimer: I am in no way, shape, or form
bashing the Christian Coalition or it's members,
who are generally great people. It's just
pisses me off when people who don't know what the
hell they are talking about try to call this game
evil. They're a bunch of 2/2 Artifact
Creatures for 4 mana that you can discard cards to
make bigger or make smaller to draw cards {go see
if you can figure this one out - answer on
Monday]) (Scott's
poop disclaimer: I would like to apologize
to everyone who I have offended with my repeated
fecal references over the past week. I
understand that the descriptions of these rather
foul defecations have probably upset some people,
but I would like to assure you that I am mostly
done with my poop references and you should not
see too many more gratuitous ones in the future.
Thank you for your understanding that sometimes
this is a nice place for me to vent.) |

Gerhardt |
Soooo cute! I'm a
girl, so I have to say that, though I have heard
guys say that about this mouse, er...demon...er...beast,
too. Unglued is such a fun set, and though I have
heard that Wizards considered the set enough of a
failure when it premiered (they actually cancelled
an expansion of it after ordering artwork), it has
now become a very popular set. We get a lot of
orders for Unglued cards from our Website, and the
lands are considered some of the most beautiful
and unique basic lands in Magic.
This big little
creature is really too costly to play in
constructed, though the "It's coming!"
ability makes it more playable. In limited, you
always play big stuff if you can support the mana
base for it.
Constructed: 2.5
Limited: 4

Friday - Infernal
Spawn of Evil
Finally, a card I
chose just for the cute picture. The picture
just says winter to me.
This is a very fat
creature. However, its ability is more useful,
typically, than the body it provides. One damage
every turn for 2 mana (and no cards expended) is
a deal that could be good from time to time.
Then again, why not just play Cursed Scroll :)?
This is in a color that typically won't have
many cards in hand, so it's an inferior effect.
(Unless, of course, you have little money.)
I have no experience
with Unglued limited, so I won't even try to
give it a rating there.
Constructed: 2
Cute Picture Value:

Van Zandt |
Infernal Spawn of Evil
Even with such a high casting cost, this
card could see play in constructed
for it's from-the-hand ability, an
uncounterable source of damage. Good in
Limited too, as a game finisher when the
board locks up. Except that it's
an unglued card. But a good one, with
excellent art to boot.
limited: 3.75
constructed: 3.25 |
Danny Tatro |
This is wizards unglued way of joking around
at the "not being able to call creatures type
demon any more" thing, since most all old demon
type creatures have now been errated into beast.
Also if you'll notice lately, Grinning Demon is a
demon. This thing was one of my favorite unglued
cards. =)
In limited, you cast this: you win. And while
you charge up for casting it you poke it in your
opponents face. They should really make big
creatures like this, with waiting abilities. That
way waiting to play your bomb is more interesting.
Maybe thats a little too broken though...
In sealed... if there was such a thing, this
would most likely be one of the #1 bombs to open.
Play it. It is nine mana though, but in unglued it
was hard to get a good win condition.
And onto the wish list ratings:
Constructed: 3.5 (This would be a staple in
suicide black, doing 1 damage a turn is like a
weasel cursed scroll.)
Limited: 4
Sealed: 4.5