
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Sutured Ghoul
Judgment -
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 1.96
(6 Reviews)
Limited: 2.83 (6 Reviews)
Reviewed June 18, 2002
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

smashed some serious face with a Sutured Ghoul
this weekend. He is very dependent on the rest of
your deck though, and I was not happy when I HAD
to play him and he only came out with a toughness
of 5. Limited a 3.5, constructed a 1. |

I'm not
sure why you would play this in Constructed, but I
can definitely see his power in Limited. Removing
just one or two creatures makes this guy
worthwhile, 3+ makes him a monster!
Limited: 3
Constructed: 0

constructed *
Umm... see my comments from yesterdays COTD.
For 4BBB, not only should you get a card that
immediately bends over the opponent... but it
should dance a jig at the same time.

First we invoke the
7 mana rule again, i.e. Does this card win the
game ? The answer is no. Second it's a creature
for 7 mana which dies to a million lower cost
removal spells that are played in the current
environment. Therefore the card is unplayable in
constructed and not much better in limited. This
card could have been useful and maybe even very
good if the casting cost was reduced by 2 or 3
and you could remove creature cards from ANY
graveyard for its power and toughness. But since
it doesn't say that it is just another dumb rare
for 7.
Limited- 2
Constructed- 1.25

So what
we have is the possibility for a very large black
creature with trample (which there are few of
currently). In constructed, this guy will never
live long enough to do anything. In Limited,
however, if you are playing heavy black, you might
find that this guy can be a great finisher. Still,
I wouldn't take it very high. If you absolutely
need a bomb, he might be suitable.
Constructed: 1.5
Limited: 3
Doc Mackerel
Tournament regulars
need not apply. Sutured Ghoul is a wacky card,
solely designed to challenge those of a warped
disposition. It can reach gargantuan size, but if
you put all your resources into a single trampling
fattie then you're just asking for it to be
bounced or killed.
In constructed, you
either build the deck around him, or don't play
him. It's as simple as that. In limited, Sutured
Ghoul's not a bad late play to use up your dead
creatures, but Balthor the Defiled does it so much
Constructed - 3
Limited - 3.5