
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Hall of Gemstones
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 1.89
(7 Reviews)
Limited: 1.53 (6 Reviews)
Reviewed May 8, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

"Hi, I sit on
Scott's desk because I am a horrible card.
Scott picked me
because he can't figure out good cards to review.
Instead he sends me out
to all the writers so that they have to go look me
up. I didn't even see
play back in the day because City of Solitude was
so much better." 1 in
both Constructed and Limited. |

Peatross |
Hall of Gemstones is one of
those cards that you keep thinking you'll find
use for, but then you never do because
something better comes along. We
played it in the board of ProsBloom, but i
don't ever remember siding it in.
Constructed Rating: 2
Limited Rating: 2

of Gemstones is a card that served a particular
purpose - to stop blue decks cold.
Unfortunately for it, it only worked for 4 months
until City of Solitude came out, which was a
billion times better. Good at what it does,
but will never really see play because it's not
the best at anything it does.
might have limited uses, but only if splashing multiple
very color intensive cards.
- 1.5
Limited - 1.5
Current Price - $1.75

A complete and utter
pile. Allows you to have whatever color mana you
need on your turn, but unless your opponent needs
that color too, you won't have any mana on their
turn. Also, doesn't allow you to have multiple
colors of mana. A waste of the cardboard its
printed on
Constructed: 1 (really
a -10000000000000, but I can't give lower than a
Limited: 1 (same)
Well, you could use it to fix your mana in a
multi-colored deck, provided you don't want to
play gold spells. You could use it to
prevent gold spells from being played. You
could use it in addition to Pulse of Llanowar, and
since they're competing replacement effects and
you control the affected abilities you can choose
which to use (end result=you can play gold spells
while your opponent cannot). Or you could
use it to stop your opponent from playing spells
on your turn, but that would be too boring.

Back to Mirage today, a great place to be. This
card is a very odd card because it allowed any
player to decide what color all lands would
produce during his turn. In the twentieth
century when this card was in T2 I don't recall
it getting much play but it certainly is a fun
card and I always thought it had really cool
art. Great in fun decks but not much else.
Constructed- 1.5
Limited- 1.2 (not really playable but the .2 is
for a cool picture)
Hall of Gemstone isn't too bad at hosing multi-coloured
opponents. Green
plays well by itself too, so the drawback to
yourself can easily be removed.
Another nice effect is that it improves lands
which produce colourless mana,
like Rishadan Port.
In constructed play you can do nice things with
some of the more exotic
lands on offer, but ultimately Green has better
enchantments for 3 mana.
Hall of Gemstone works best as a sideboard card.
In limited this card will
hamper both players more than in constructed, but
you won't be able to find
the lands which make Hall of Gemstone shine.
Constructed - 3
Limited - 2.5