
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Balthor the Defiled
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 3.50
(3 Reviews)
Limited: 3.25 (3 Reviews)
Reviewed May 22, 2002
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

kill a dwarf, he comes back even stronger? Not
bad. Imagine this is a poor man's version of
Twilight's Call. He can easily be combined with
Buried Alive to make for something rather naughty.
But, Twilight's Call is legal and its not seeing
much play.
In Limited he's
obviously extremely strong in the mid to late
game, garnering a 3.5.
In Constructed, I
doubt he'll really see play, a 2.5. |

Balthor The Defiled
I am really excited
about this card. Although there is still a long
way to go for old school Sligh to come back.
This guy may work out well in a B/R sligh style
deck. First do all the damage you can, then when
you start losing creatures just sac ol' Balthor
and viola...instant army. His only draw back is
his 2BB cost, 4 is a bit high and his BBB
activation cost should probably be 2B or 1BB.
Overall I think he fits a lot of decks and will
see play.
In extended he is
very strong especially when combined with Black
creatures like Braids, Faceless Butcherman, and
many others. The only problem here is that in
block draft you won't see him until the last
pack but black is pretty good alone in the first
two packs.
Balthor the
This name always
makes me giggle, as it makes me think of a certain
practice subscription websites are often accused
of. Anyway, Balthor the Defiled is effectively a
Lord for Minions (gives others +1/+1), which are
pretty bad except for the other Minion Legends
Chainer and Braids. The second piece of text is
what makes Balthor the Defiled an exciting
prospect. For the low cost of BBB and removing
Balthor, you can return all Black and all Red
creature cards from graveyards to play. Twilight's
Call never looked this cheap, giving BR decks a
very efficient finishing blow.
Constructed - 4
Limited - 3.5