
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Worldgorger Dragon
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 2.00
(3 Reviews)
Limited: 3.00 (3 Reviews)
Reviewed May 23, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

my recent article to understand the brokenness
that is Worldgorger Dragon. After seeing the
official card, I now understand that no one must
have seen this combo. It will receive errata so
its 'power' will be gauged by that. It isn't
horrible, but it isn't great either. Due to so
much bounce in the format, I can imagine this
might be fairly naughty. Play Dragon, have its
ability put on the stack, bounce it, put its other
ability on the stack, lose all your perms,
permanently. That would be horrible. So
constructed, without combo, its horrible and a
1.5. Limited its not great either and would garner
a 2. Combolicious Rating, 5. |

A nice body for
the price .... just don't even think about playing
it against blue.
And since blue is decently
strong right now, I wouldn't start this. Maybe in
the board, but not main.
In limited, on the other
hand, It can be all that and more.
Constructed: 1.5
Limited: 4
I assume you've all seen
Fletcher's column where he describes why
Worldgorger Dragon will be corrected, so I'll
ignore that aspect in my review. Under normal
conditions, this is a fattie that just makes me
shrug. A 7/7 flying trampler for 3RRR is very
good, but you lose all other creatures and your
lands too, so you can't give him any support.
Unless you're very sure your opponent can't deal
with Worldgorger Dragon, you shouldn't cast him.
In constructed, there will
undoubtedly be ways around the drawback, but he's
still removed by Blue and Black very cheaply. He's
about as good in limited. Fat is good, losing the
rest of your minions is definitely not.
Constructed - 3
Limited - 3

Dragon is an interesting card. While it has been
proven that it can fit into the combo based
extended environment, it won't last for long. In
Standard, it just doesn't have the same tools, and
the drawbacks are way too severe to be played
(unless you combo it with Balancing Act).
In Limited, this guy is a
beater if you can afford to play the triple red.
He won't save you from games you are losing, but
he will definately be able to win you some that
you wouldn't without him.
Constructed: 2.5
Limited: 3.5