
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Gerhardt |
Creature themed
decks are a lot of fun, and Zombies aren't bad
at all with the coming of Onslaught. Soulless
one is okay, but at 3B, it just seems a bit slow
for the most part in constructed.
In limited sealed,
you'll know right away if this Zombie is worth
the space by how many Zombies you get and their
quality. In draft, you'll have to play it by
ear, and pray for good luck.
Constructed - 2.5
Limited - 3.5

Continuing on our
Monday theme, we come to the black One. This One
counts zombies in the graveyard as wellas in
play, which is very appropriate. However, I
don't know that there is a deck for this. Maybe
in casual play, with your Lords of the Undead,
but that's about it.
In limited, it's all
based on whether you can get enough zombies.
You'd have to have at least 4 in your deck to
consider playing this.
Constructed: 2
Sealed: 2.5
Draft: 3.5
On the plus side
this guy gets two bonuses in effect (for zombies
in play_and_in the graveyard) and he is black so
he can't be terrored. He has no evasion but there
are a few cards in the set that you can use to
give him fear. However, if you are playing a
zombie deck you could probably win by playing like
a straight reanimation deck so soulless one
wouldn't really be needed. A 3 in constructed.
It seems that I'm always
saying the same thing about most onslaught cards
in limited - only good if you get enough
<<appropriate creature type>> (in this case
zombies). If you get enough you could play
soulless one, if not he would be a waste of mana.
A 2 overall in limited. |