
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

The classic white
Avatar. Clerics, which are a big part of white,
and life gain, which everyone loves. I just don't
see it in constructed though. This thing costs 4
mana, and has no evasion. If it even hits the
table at all, it won't stay long.
In limited, it's the usual story. If you're
playing enough clerics (I would say 3+) and are
playing white, play this.
Constructed: 2
Limited: Sealed: 3
Draft: 3.5 |

Doubtless One is a
card I'm not real sure what to make of. If a deck
has lots of Clerics then it seems to be a decent
creature with Spirit Link thrown in, but I can't
think of too many cards with a similar
power/toughness scheme that have been really good
in constructed decks before. Tribes may turn out
to be crucial in this set for block but T2 doesn't
seem to be radically altered by tribes. The same
applies to limited i.e., if you get lots of
clerics it's good, if not you have a dead 4 drop
in your hand.
Constructed 2
Limited 2.5 |
Ouch. Apart from the
fact that she's got a spirit link attached, there
are so many clerics in the new set (including the
black ones) and doubtless one gives a cleric deck
a pretty nasty kill mechanism. Plus, this card is
also a cleric herself so she's always at least a
1/1. A 4 in constructed.
In limited you'll be lucky to get enough clerics
to make her really big, but she'll still have the
spirit link. A 2 in limited. |
Danny Tatro |
COTD-Tues-"Doubtless One"
This is definetly not a constructed card,
maybe a big game card, and definetly a draft card.
If your playing lots of clerics, mainly the "X"
prevent ones, this guy is a win condition. Not
only will he _not_ be able to die via all clerics
prevent damage, but he also helps win the race
since you'll be gaining mounds of life. Remember
when deciding to play clerics and you have this
guy(maybe 2 of him if your lucky.)- don't
accidently draft loads of clerics, just to find
out half of them are actually soldiers.
If your not playing clerics, however, this
guy is a 100% passable, unless you have secret
tech on whos playing clerics and hate draft it.
Its usually not worthy of a hate draft if theres
something you can use in the pack.
Constructed: 1
Limited: 3.5 |

John Hornberg |
Doubtless One is a
must for any Cleric deck. It gains a lot of life
it can ever get through, not to mention the two
white creature types
(soldiers and clerics) both have a lot of weenies.
This creature has
the potential to get very big, and gain you a lot
of life, but whether
or not it will ever get through is questionable,
and even more iffy with
Mobilization running rampant in the format.
Unfortunately for this critter, he is too limited
to white, not to
mention just clerics. Since a Cleric deck lacks
any fighting skill what
so ever, this guy becomes an automatic target
since it is the only
offense that will be in a Cleric Weenie deck.
Otherwise, he's useless.
A 4cc 1/1 with pointless abilities has no place in
any deck. Cleric
Weenie, unfortunately, should not see a lot of
play because it lacks
killer instinct. Preventing damage is good, but
when you deal no damage
in the process you leave yourself oepn to being
easily controlled with
anything that runs 4 Counterspells, or can control
your creatures. A
1.5 out 5 in constructed.
In limited, it's iffy. If you are in white, and
you have at least 6
clerics (or intend to get that many), he's a good
pick. Otherwise,
Doubtless One can cycle the table harmlessly down
to the last pick.
It's a 5 to 10 pick on average, and will only go
on the first go round
if the person is playing white with a good amount
of clerics. A 2.5 in