
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

It's a
4/4 for 4 to begin with, which ain't SO bad, but
the ability to sac a beast (including itself) when
it's gonna go away or to save yourself is
nice. That said, I don't see a lot of beast
decks getting run, so I don't think this card will
see all that much play. In
limited, there are beasts, and this guy is good
anyway - run him
Limited: 4 |

This card will help
turn attack races in your favor. Also, it will
cause a lot of spells to be countered, for lack
of a legal target. Not to mention that this guy
has both power and toughness equal to his
casting cost. With Flametongue Kavu gone, a lot
of 4 toughness creatures are playable again,
starting eith this guy.
Constructed: 3
Limited: 4

This card passes all the tests for an excellent
green creature. It is large 4/4 and extremely
mana efficient (a 4/4 for 2 GG) and will make
most green decks. After all Blastoderm was
slightly more efficient but came with fade
counters and you played it didn't you. The sac a
beast gain life feature is a nice bonus but I
don't see it as extremely important except as a
response to removal or as a combat style trick
but gaining back 20% of your starting life vs
just losing a creature may make a big
difference, particularly in limited. Overall he
is certainly one of the most playable green big
creatures in a long while.
Constructed 5
Limited 5
My rule of thumb with green creatures is "If they
don't trample, they can't be that good". This guy
doesn't trample.
Apart form the fact that you could chump block him
all day, if you compare him to Argothian Wurm (my
favourite green fattie of all time) you see that
Ravenous Baloth isn't really up to scratch. The
life gain thing could screw over red decks that
finish by burning you out but if you have to sac
your creatures
just to stay alive, your on the way out anyway. A
3 in constructed.
In limited he's another body. A 3.5 |
Mad Hatter |
Ravenous Baloth:
This is a good
card. It allows one to gain some benefit (4
life) by sacrificing a Beast. You would usually
want to do this when the creature was going to
die anyway, or to save your hide when you're
about to die. It's also a 4/4 for four mana. I
expect to see this one played quite a bit. Even
if he dies immediately, he was still a Staunch
Defenders as he gave you four life in the
process (you can always sack him to himself).