Week's Card Selector
One of the Lords
that taps for a big effect when you tap 5
creatures of the appropriate type. I personally
think they got the red effect right, as this
just feels red. This will almost always clear
the board. Since he is a goblin himself, you
only need 4 other goblins to make the ability go
off. And since he has protection from red, he
stays around for another use.
although he is costed correctly and maybe even a
bit agressively, he won't see much play in
constructed. He will either get countered, or
you will already be below 10 life, and thus the
ability is only useful to force a draw (if your
opponent is also under 10 life).
In limited, if you
get enough goblins and manage to stabilize above
10 life, then you've got control. Even if you
are below 10 life, I see a lot of draws being
forced with this guy.
Type 2 and Extended:
Limited: 3