
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

(A level 2 Magic Judge)
First, we had an
Eighth Edition vote: Blood Moon vs. Dwarven
Miner. Blood Moon won. Now, in Onslaught, we get
a creature almost exactly like Dwarven Miner. =\
This creature is
slightly stronger, however, because of the morph
mechanic. You'll always be able to zap one land
if he lives a turn, and you can have a 2/2
instead of a 1/1 until then. Fun.
In limited, I don't
think the tribal lands are going to get played
much, so this guy really isn't a big deal here.
Constructed: 2.5
Limited: 2
Constructed: Hmmm.
Personally, I don't like this card, and now that
the invasion block is about to rotate out
non-basic land destruction is probably not going
to be so useful. You can't really use morph to
surprise your opponent either (You: "morph
blastminer, destroy your adarkar wastes",
Opponent:"tap wastes for mana" for
example). A 2.5 in constructed
Limited: Put it back in the
box! Its ability is all but useless and at the
very best its a grizzly bear. A 1 in limited.

In constructed, it can
be brutal. Drop a bear on turn 3, start
blowing up land on turn 4. This card will
have an effect in most environments, IMHO.
The ability to start blowing up land is a good
thing. It will cripple multi-colored decks
if allowed to live.
In limited, it's pretty bad. A bear at
best. I might just play it, though, for the
"whatever" factor.
Limited: 2 |

This is quite an
interesting card, how good it will be will
depend on the prevalence of non-basic land in
the particular environment you are playing but
he will certainly see lots of play in extended,
as did his cousin the great Dwarven Miner. He
will also help to fill out red or red/black land
destruction type of decks and can be a
sound utility creature in the new sligh-type
Bloodboiler decks which I see being played in
the new T2. In Limited he is just sort of a
utility infielder, his ability may not matter
but you can put him in for a small creature
slot. In other words nothing special for
Constructed 4
Limited 1.5 (but can
be higher in the right match up)