
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image Courtesy Wizards.com
The Dark
Blistering Firecat
Blistering Firecat
At end of turn, burn Blistering Firecat
Morph: RR
Reviewed September
5, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Weeks Card Selector:
Wife :)
all know Ball Lightning is good. 3 mana for
6 damage is great. What about this new one
from Onslaught. Pay 1 more mana, deal 1 more
damage, and can have a bear in the
meanwhile. Time will tell. Being able
to serve, then morph for 7 is brutal. I hate
to make too strong an opinion yet. I think
it's definately good in both limited and
constructed. How good is yet to be seen. |
Blistering Firecat is without a doubt the closest
Wizards has ever come to Ball Lightning redux. It
essentially THE original, with a slight mana/power
tweak and the new Morph mechanic. They are both
in exactly the same constructed deck, and the only
question is whether or not that deck is good in
2. The answer is a resounding "Maybe."
Green fat is
good right now, and green fat has always been what
kills Sligh. The extra point of trample damage
do much good against a 6/6 Player Rewards token.
Without knowing more of the contents of Onslaught,
simply isn't possible to make a definite
In Limited, both cards are mediocre. Lava Axe has
always been a 23rd card in draft or sealed decks,
Ball Lightning is simply a more color-intensive
Axe that can be blocked. The Firecat is a bit
if only because it can serve as a vanilla 2/2 for
a while before it morphs either as a finisher or to
down a more valuable creature in combat.
Constructed: Both 4 on an absolute scale, possibly
less relative to environment
Limited: Ball Lightning 1.5, Firecat 2.5
If this creature is real it is great. Pay 3 for
a 2/2, next turn pay 2 and get a 7/1 haste guy
with trample=some good. Yes Ball Lightning was
better because he cost only RRR for a 6/1. Will
you ever see anything in Red that good
again?...no because red never gets good
cards...maybe R&D made a mistake here.
Playable in all formats. Aside question does
Morph also go backwards ie, after damage can you
pay 2 turn him back into a 2/2 ? I don't think
so but it would be funny.
Constructed 4 (not a 5 cus red is no lover of
the 4 drop)
Limited 5

Ball Lightning. The
classic "large" creature for Sligh.
This, in combination with Fireblast, has
finished off many an opponent. Even though it
only stays around one turn, doing 6 damage for 3
mana is typically pretty good.
Now we have a
"new" Ball Lightning - Blistering
Firecat. You have to play one colorless mana
more in its mana cost, but you get an extra
point of power. This is big, as it would take
you 4 Ball Lightnings to kill an opponent if
they were the only things that damaged the
opponent, but it only takes 3 Blistering
Firecats. However, the extra colorless mana
means you typically have to wait one extra turn
to put it out, and that gives you opponent more
of a chance to respond.
If that was the only
way you could play it, that is. Blistering
Firecat has Morph. This means you can put him
face down on the third turn, then pay his Morph
cost the fourth turn, attack for 7, and still
have 2 mana to do something.
Blistering Firecat
having Morph will also help against the classic
Sligh foil in extended: Chill. You can play the
Firecat for its Morph cost, and you will not
have to pay the 2 extra colorless mana, as face
down cards and spells have no color.
It will depend on
the viability of Sligh in the New Extended, but,
if there's a person playing Sligh, I see him
playing a mix of Ball Lightnings and Blistering
Firecats, with the mix dependant on how blue
heavy the field is. The more blue, the more
Firecats and the less Ball Lightnings.
In limited, this is
a great creature too. First of all, you will
frequently see people play cards they have no
way to morph, just to get a couple of warm
bodies. And if you can morph this, it will
frequently put a large life swing on a game. And
that's always a Good Thing (tm).
Type 2: 4.5 (I see
Sligh getting good again, with this as its
New Extended: 3-4
(Dependant on how blue heavy the field is - the
more blue, the higher its rating)
Limited: 4
Hornberg |
This card has a lot of potential,
and will see play in a lot of decks
because it kills speed. It would be one
better if it was a cantrip, but
that's not something to complain about. This
card is good as a speed
killer, and a way to kill tokens, cards like
Spectral Lynx, and such
with ease. The problem is that all the
brutes, such as Mystic Enforcer,
and in Extended Masticore, Morphling, etc all cost
4+. So, while it is
a good speed killer, it has it's pitfalls. A
3/5 in Type 2.
In limited, it's in the middle. Removal, but
removal of the small
cards. It will see play, but isn't a first
pick. A middle pick, and a
3/5 in limited. |