
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

original Gainsay, it stopped other counters, as
well as a lot of other things dead in it's tracks.
Good at the time, I don't think it has as much a
place in today's environment, especially with it
only being t1 legal.
Certainly not playable
in limited as it's range is way too narrow for
it's effect.
Limited: 1.25
Current Price:
$0.95 |

Gerhardt |
Flash Counter
Well, it's the exact
same cost as Counterspell, but does considerably
less. In a heavy instant environment, or in a very
blue environment, I guess it would be decent. Not
something of great concern at the moment. I can't
see any reason to main deck this in limited.
Constructed: 2.5
Limited: 1.5 |

Flash Counter
And to end the week,
another card that would be great to reprint.
"Counter target instant." Use this in counter
wars, and against instant speed burn. I would
love to see this right now, and it would
definitely have a place in my sideboard if it
was legal in Type 2.
I don't know
anything about Legends limited, so I'll pass on
giving it a limited rating.
Constructed: 1.5 (A
lot better in Type 1 right now)
Constructed: 4.5

Van Zandt |
Flash Counter
Gainsay's older (and arguably superior) brother,
it's only real use is in
counter wars or as a bad blue elemental blast. I
don't care much for it
since it's got comparitively (vs. counterspell)
limited uses but still costs
2 mana. <shrugs> maybe I'm wrong.
constructed - 3
limited - 2.8 |

Chapman |
Flash Counter – One of
the counters made for multi-color decks. If the
format is revolving around Combo or non-creature
decks than this card is great. If there are a lot
of creature decks around then it is not so good.
True Blue mages should almost always have better
cards to use now.
Constructed – Nice in
the right environment – 2.35
Limited – Probably
never going to help here as 90% of the deck is
land or creatures - .75
PEZ – Fairly strong as Control
Black and Tides emerge as the top of the field –
2.65 |
Scott Sager |
Flash Counter
I'd say it'd make a
good sideboard card....BUT....it's only legal in
Type I (ok, 1.5 also. 1.5 doesn't count though
IT SUCKS!) where it has to compete with the three
best counter spells ever printed (Force of Will,
Mana Drain, and Counterspell - in that order).
It's just to limited a counter to be reliable.
Ltd.: Who plays
Legends limited???????? That would be cool
though. Expensive as hell......but fun.
Constructed: 1.5
Limited: Not
applicable, but 1.5 I guess.?.? |
Danny Tatro |
It needs to counter more things. Its too specific.
It can't counter any permanents which is the main
reason this thing isn't that good. It is a
counterspell thats reasonably cheap though. In
constructed, this thing doesn't ever see play,
because theres much better things to play.
Useless in limited.
Constructed: 1.25
Limited: 1.0 |

Hornberg |
Friday - Flash Counter
This counter really is a sub par counter,
especially considering what else
is out there. Mana Leak, Counterspell, Foil,
Force of Will, Gainsay,
Thwart, and so forth. There's better out there.
Even Envelop, which is
it's Sorcery counterpart costs only U. '
Legends had a lot of overcosted cards, and this is
no exception.
In limited, it's good sideboard, but not really a
good card. May make it
main deck if the instances in the draft are
powerful enough.
Constructed - 1.0/5.0
Limited - 1.9/5.0 |