
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

'ole "Stop Spell". This card is amazing, but
not broken. I have never once thought this
card should be banned - it is actually, IMHO,
balanced. It possibly should be, "Pay 1
life, remove a blue card from your hand, pay 1
mana." This way you know when they're tapped
out, they're tapped out. Then again, that
was sort of the allure of this card. You
could tap all you want, and if you didn't mind
getting 2 for 1ed plus a life, you stop something.
Despite the otherwise horrid casting cost, the
card was and is a staple. Simply put, the
fact that this card stop things from out of the
blue, and before you've even played a single mana
makes it a staple in any environment it is legal.
On paper, it's terrible. In reality,
probably the best counterspell ever made, with the
possible exception of Mana Drain, and that would
be a fun debate.
In limited, not as
solid. Pitching a blue spell randomly is not
as good, and it's not as needed to counter fast.
I might play it if I was defensive.
Limited: 3
Current Price:
$9.95 |

Gerhardt |
The ultimate in Blue
"I control you" slap you in the face. While in the
current Type 2 environment, you must have mana
open to counter something, Force of Will and other
pitch counterspells, make it possible to counter
anything, anytime, making it impossible for your
opponent to be assured of getting their spell into
It's one of our
highest priced uncommons, and for good reason.
In constructed, it's an amazing control card.
In limited, it's decent, but not as pivotal.
Constructed: 4.5
Limited: 3.75 |

The orignal pitch
counterspell. There's a reason this is still a
card that is worth something, even though it is
just Type 1 now. To be able to stop any play,
regardless of whether it is your first turn or
your 20th, without spending any mana is very
Back when this was
Type 2, I took second at states that year with a
3 color control deck, and it really abused this
In limited, this is
decent, but not broken.
Constructed: 5 (More
like 43256923578237, but 5 is the highest)
Limited: 2.5

Van Zandt |
Force of Will
It took them way too long to get rid of this
card. Thwart, foil, and rewind
were good enough, if it's that important to
counter you should pay an
actual price, not just a brainstorm that was in
your hand. and it should
have required an island in play to start with (and
of course dual lands
rotated out...), it got included in too many
decks. which is to say that
this card, while not necessarily "too" good,
affected the extended
environment too much. In limited... meh. it's a
bad counter... if you're
overly worried about a bomb, that's fine,
limited 2.5
constructed 4.5 |

Chapman |
Force of Will –
Perhaps the best counter ever made and definitely
in the top three with Counterspell and Forbid.
This counter is always useful, never a waste, and
the biggest surprise in the world. Mono-blue that
can use it should. Other decks that splash Blue
can probably use it as well depending on what the
rest of the deck looks like. One of the bets cards
ever printed and a must have.
Constructed – On the
list of best cards ever – 5.00 (I think my first
5.00 ever)
Limited – Counters
aren’t quite as good here but still a powerhouse –
PEZ – Well it uses a
critical slot and its worth depends on the
metagame – remember a lot of big decks aren’t
really susceptible to counters (Sligh and Stompy)
– 4.00 |
Scott Sager |
04/14 Force of Will
EVER - that is all.