
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Without a doubt, no card has been part of more
life gain combos than this one. The ability
to use this card with creature generators has long
been seen as useful. Originally, this card
with Phyrexian Processor meant negating the life
loss, making some fatties, and getting your life
up huge. In truth, anything that generates
tokens works well with this. Anything from
Mobilization, to Centaur Glade, to Dragon Roost,
to Processor, Replicator...the list goes on and
on. Am I stating this is a tremendous,
awesome combo that should be played. Not
really. It's sure fun. :) If you're
playing Multiplayer, this card is awesome.
Life gain becomes most important in an environment
where you have multiple foes. An endless
supply of creatures + Angelic Chorus + Test of
Endurance is really fun. If you REALLY want
to be mean in a group game, make some truces, gain
some life, get it up over 50, then go: Test of
Endurance, Time Warp. :) That way, no one
disrupts your combo before your next upkeep.
You have 10 people at the table, and you just beat
all of them in one fail swoop.
Okay -
I am officially rambling about this card.
The point is, it's not really for serious,
tournament level decks. It is, though, a LOT
of fun to play with. There are so many ways
to use it - try some out and build your own combo
with it!
In limited, it's
alright. Life gain is not that great, and
finding an endless supply of creatures is not
easy. If I had a free slot, I might put it
in. If not, then cut it.
By the way, when
you're done reading this, you should go order from
our site (cheap plug) then go pay your taxes.
Not much time left for that. :)
Limited: 3
Current Price:
$7.45 |

Gerhardt |
Angelic Chorus is a
really fun casual constructed card. By
itself, you can gain life each time you put a
creature into play. But in combos, this card gets
crazy. For example, with Serra Avatar (Serra
Avatar has power and toughness equal to your life
total), let's say your life total is 15. As it
comes into play, Angelic Chorus gains you 15 life,
so now you're at 30. So now your Serra Avatar is a
30/30! Fun, fun, fun!
(casual): 4
Limited: 3.5 |

An interesting card.
Gives you life for creatures that come into
play. I don't see this as very good outside of
combo decks that can put creatures with a lot of
toughness into play. And yet it seems to be a
popular casual play card, because of the life
gain aspect. I preferred to use Soul Wardens to
accomplish the same goal, but that's just me.
In limited, not a
card I would play, as life gain just isn't that
Constructed: 3.25
Limited: 1.5

Van Zandt |
Angelic Chorus
Amazing in limited, especially since it ended up
with phyrexian processor
in the starter decks too often. in constructed,
it's a bit too expensive,
but has mild combo potential... even though
infinite life is not usually the
best way to combo out.
constructed 2
limited 3.5 |

Chapman |
Angelic Chorus is on
the list of supercharged enchantments that cost a
heck of a lot to play. There are many decks that
can take advantage of this card’s effect but very
few cards that can turn it into a game winner –
especially because it comes down late. In the
proper builds it can shine but this is based on
combo effects. I have never been a believer in
expensive life gain – I think your deck should be
in a dominant position without counting on it or
you should just rebuild the deck.
Constructed – I see it
is huge but then I see it is expensive and doesn’t
fit with my deck building philosophy at all – 3.65
Limited – Umm, you
have lots of creatures and the games will last a
while. Very strong – 4.95 |
Scott Sager |
Angelic Chorus
Kind of expensive,
but it's consistant lifegain (if you're in to
that sort of thing).
Ltd.: Sure, why
not. Consistant lifegain can't hurt.
Construtyed: 2.5
Limited: 3.5
Danny Tatro |
Angelic Chourus
This card is ok, but its a huge costed
white enchantment. Not too combolicious since it
gains you life and doesn't kill your opponent. So
it wasn't that good in constructed.
In limited its a little better but not
really since its 5 mana. It could gain you a
truckload of life in the right situation, but I
probably wouldn't waste a turn to play this over a
creature. But it depends.
Constructed: 2
Limited: 2.5 |

Hornberg |
Angelic Chorus
This is one of those enchantments that could
weasel it's way into a deck
that can produce tokens at on a whim for nearly
nothing. In casual, the
Earthcraft/Squirrel's Nest combo becomes even more
broken with this card
(and same with Pandemonium too, but that's another
Moving on from the kiddy things, Angelic Chorus
isn't really a playable
enchantment. It is a pricy enchantment (3WW) for
an effect that gains you
life, which in most formats can easily be dealt
with because your opponent
knows that, if they have the upper hand, that they
can still keep momentum
and that a gain in life isn't going to make much
of a difference.
In limited, I think you play it, but you don't
take it early, and it's not
the center of the deck.
Constructed - 2.2/5.0
Limited - 2.6/5.0 |