
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Limited: 1.5
Current Price:
$26.95 |

Gerhardt |
The Queen has always
been a very popular card. I used to think
her price was high when she was $12 a few months
ago. As soon as word got out that there were
Slivers in the Legions set, her price shot through
the roof! And, even at $27 a pop, we still can't
keep her in stock, as she flies out the door even
at that price! Amazing.
In constructed, she
can be quite the force. A huge 7/7 all on her own,
by the time you cast her, her minions are already
there to enhance her as she comes into play.
She makes an already fearsome army into an almost
unstoppable force, as she continues to churn out
more and more minions. You'll even see her
earn a place in non-Sliver deck sideboards as a
metagame against opponent's Sliver decks. She's
that good.
In limited, she's
just not playable because of the 5 color casting
cost, but I'd grab her in a minute as her monetary
value pays for your draft and more.
Constructed: 4.5
Limited: 1 as a playable, 5 as a money rare |

To end the week, a
card that has gained in popularity with the
release of Legions. The old slivers were much
better, though. And you almost never cast this,
instead reanimating it, or making it a secondary
target for Natural Order (after Verdant Force,
of course).
Still, if you get
this out, the creature she will provide you will
quickly overpower your opponent.
This almost never
gets played in limited. You can't reliably cast
her, at least not in the Rath Cycle limited
Constructed: 4.5
Limited: 1.5

Van Zandt |
Sliver Queen
I actually like this card. 5 mana for a 7/7 is
much better than what you
get for atogatog, and she's got an infinitely
better special ability. On
par with Verdant force in my eyes, plus she can
occasionally provide you
with something to do with infinite mana. And she
herself is a sliver,
bonus! Too expensive in limited in a block that's
not invasion, and
requires a very specific deck in constructed to be
good, unfortunately.
constructed 2.8
limited 2 |

Chapman |
Sliver Queen – Most
Sliver decks are 5-color anyway and a 7/7 alone is
good enough. Add to this creature type Sliver and
a Sliver generator and you have the favorite card
of a whole generation of Magic players. I always
preferred faster Sliver decks or Control Sliver
decks that didn’t use all the colors (plus I was
cheap). Even so this card can be a powerhouse and
is a classic card.
Constructed – Better
use it here because it just isn’t the same in
limited – 4.45
Limited – If you are
running 5 colors you are going to lose even if you
have the Queen – 1.15 |
Scott Sager |
Sliver Queen
Easier to get into
play now that they've printed Crystal Quarry.
This can produce a bunch of tokens quickly, plus
it and it's spawn all get the bonusses of any
other slivers that might be in play. Pretty
much confined to sliver decks, but what did you
expect with the name Sliver Queen.
Limited: Tempest
block limited this thing could be
crazy-go-nuts. Anywhere else (Invasion block
being the exception)...BLAH....5 color
requirement = the suck.
Constructed: 1.5
(3.5 in sliver decks)
Limited: 2.5
Danny Tatro |
Sliver Queen
Her casting cost is hard to pay, but shes
hard to deal with if she hits play. Mainly since
she breeds tons of 1/1s at a relatively cheap
cost. Although she never has really seen serious
play, so nuff said here. She could be in some kind
of combo deck because of her ability though... but
nothing serious seen yet.
In limited: Shes a 5 color casting cost...
making here practically impossible to get her into
play without screwing your deck over. A no go here
unless you have some way to get that kind of mana,
which in this format is a no.
Constructed: 3 (With possibility of
Limited: 2 (You techincally 'could' cast her in
which she'd be nuts.) |

Hornberg |
Sliver Queen
It costs all five colors..... 'nuf said.
Unfortunately for me, this review will have to go
much deeper. The fact
that it can make slivers (which will get all the
bonuses of the ones around
them) is a huge plus, which propels Sliver Queen
over all the other
5-colored creatures.
It's also a large body to put into a sliver deck,
something that a sliver
deck really could use. It also makes Coalition
Victory playable in some
sick, twisted, disgusting, and idiotic alternate
dimension where it might
actually be playable.
It's pitfall is the fact that it costs 5 colors,
and can weind up sitting in
your hand waiting to be played. It can be a
godsent on 5th turn and a pitch
pile of trash at others.
In limited, I refrain to the top: It costs all 5
colors... 'nuf said.
Constructed - 2.8/5.0
Limited - 1.0/5.0 |