
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

know, I wonder about this card. I can
already tell you that it can be an absolute
monster in limited. As long as you don't
have TOO many beasts for this to hinder, 6/6s are
awful nice, especially if they run you 6 or less
mana. They're not always the easiest to deal
with and can kill an opponent. If they have
beasts or you have blue, critter altering cards,
then this thing can be REAL nice. I have
ripped some people open with this and some blue
before. It's pretty fun. At any rate,
you'll play this 90% of the time you get it.
If you have more than 6 beasts in your deck,
though, you might want to consider leaving it
constructed, the beast deck is starting to gain in
momentum. This card might get used by some
R/G decks to push through some damage from the
board. I don't think it will see much play,
though. Six mana is a lot in constructed
unless it unmorphs for 4 or resets the board.
Limited: 4
Current Price:
$0.95 |

Gerhardt |
Okay, even more freaky
than anything, when I was posting the reviews I
happened to notice that Jason Chapman and John
Hornburg started out with almost word for word the
same opening... weird!
Anyhow, Frenetic
Raptor is pretty dang good...a 6/6 for 6.
But he's best used AGAINST beast decks. If you are
"almost there" you can use him to push through the
last bit of damage. But this raptor can
truly be a double-edged sword. I was playing
Onslaught block sealed on MTGO the other day. My
deck is pretty decent and has a nice balance of
removal and good creatures. My opponent's
board had been whittled mostly away with my burn
and my two Sparksmiths, so out of desperation, I
assume, he through this guy down... nice. At that
point I just started an all out assault, and he
only managed to draw beasts after that. Bummer for
I don't see him
being played in constructed, but in limited he can
be really decent.
Constructed: 2
Limited: 3.75 |

Unfortunately, you
suffer from an overload of good beast cards in
the current type 2. This guy might be good in a
beast deck following the rotation in November,
but until then, he just has too high of a cost
for the decks out there.
In limited, however,
you typically take this guy and play him, as a
big beefy 6/6 body can change the tide of the
battle. Especially if you snag Contested Cliffs.
Constructed: 2.25
Limited: 3.5

Van Zandt |
Frenetic Raptor
He is a 6/6 for 6 mana, only one of it being
colorful, and while he prevents
himself and your other beasts from blocking, he
also stops your opponent's
from doing the same. A good guy to drop if you
plan on finishing your
opponent off soon, or even just to drop and swing
to force a trade with a
couple of your opponent's dudes. Except as maybe
a sideboard card against a VERY heavily beast
deck, he's not strong enough at 6 mana for
when you can get, say, a grinning demon for 4.
constructed 2
limited 3.2 |

Chapman |
Frenetic Raptor is a
beast – in more ways than one. A 6/6 for 6 is just
good all around and with the number of other
Beasts running around right now it can be a strong
card for aggressive decks. Still, for 6 mana I
would want a card that really puts me all the way
over the top.
Constructed – Decent
but for 6 mana you better be winning the game –
Limited – Big
creatures are good – 3.55 |
Danny Tatro |
Frenetic Raptor
Constructed... this won't see play.
In limited this guy is really good. Hes
cheaply costed while not double R or more to cast.
Hes really good in the R/U draft deck mainly
because lack of big cheap creatures and it helps a
lot VS the R/G matchup or any deck beatdown deck
with alot of beasts. Them not being able to block
with their huge creatures against this huge
creature and the rest of your guys can really make
a difference. But he usually just lands up being a
well costed swinger.
In a odd situation I once used his ability
so my mistforms wouldn't be able to be provoked.
Constructed: 1
Limited: 3.5 |

Hornberg |
Frenetic Raptor
Frenetic Raptor is a beast, and in more ways than
one. It's effect is
potentialyl damaging for you, but also for your
opponent if you insert him
into the right deck. More than likely, this card
will be passed up in
constructed, because aside from the Type II R/G
Beast deck, which isn't
really a good deck due to being costly in a fast
In limited, however, it can be a good creature.
Although there are some
cards I would take over this, in the right deck,
Frenetic Raptor hurts a
lot. In combinations like R/U in draft, this guy
is a bomb, because if you
come up against a beast-heavy R/G deck, this guy
just gave you the victory
by making all of their beasts unable to block.
However, in R/G, he is a
nice body at a 6/6 for 6, but outside of that is
more detrimental than
Constructed - 1.5/5.0 (Size is good, but the deck
it plays in is good
without it, and already kind of on the iffy side
of being competitive.)
Limited - 4.0/5.0 (Large, fairly costed, and an
effect that in the right
color combination can be potentially game
breaking.) |