
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

One of
the classic cards - we've had it from the
beginning. In the beginning, it was great -
people would play 4 because it was brutal.
Then the age of removal came in, and it didn't see
as much play. In today's environment,
though, I'm not sure it wouldn't be a good thing.
People are not running as much removal these days
as creatures are cheaper and more effective, and
removal is more expensive and less effective.
I think Assassins would hold up well in today's t2
environment. Against U/G, they'd be brutal.
:) We'll never know I guess.
In limited, it's
supremely awesome, would get played 100% of the
time you're playing black, and is probably a
reason to switch colors almost immediately.
It's impact is absurd.
Limited: 5 |

Gerhardt |
Royal Assassin
An amazing recurring
removal spell disguised as a creature. An
old-school favorite that would quickly become a
new-school favorite if it were to be reprinted.
This card is already so popular, even though it's
dropped out of legal Type 2 and Extended formats,
that we cannot keep it in stock on our Website nor
our store. We are currently completely sold
out. In constructed this guy is great. His
one downfall is his wimpy toughness, which means
he's subject to almost any removal in the
In limited, this guy
is insane. If it's not dealt with, it will
deal it out itself.
Constructed: 3.5
Limited: 4.75 |

Royal Assassin
An old player
favorite. A card I would really love to see come
back in 8th Edition (Sorry WOTC, NO ONE is going
to call it "The Core Set." You tried this four
years ago with 6th Edition. It didn't work then,
and it won't work now).
Seriously, a 1/1
that destroys tapped creatures would be a good
creature for this environment. It can be removed
in so many ways, and has a noticeable effect on
the game if it isn't removed.
In limited, it's
removal. Play it.
Constructed: 3.25
Limited: 4.75

Van Zandt |
Royal Assassin
One of my favorites, and i really like the old
art. he'll own the game for
you in limited if your opponent doesn't cope, and
he might show up as a
sideboard choice in constructed if he's to be
constructed - 3
limited - 4.2 |

Chapman |
Royal Assassin – An
old favorite for most players. This card is good
but really not great – a little fragile. Still a
solid card for most decks and always fun to build
Constructed – This is
where you can try to break him – 2.95
Limited – He would be
useful since any removal is good – 3.45 |
Scott Sager |
Royal Assassin
The original in
creature based removal. This used to make your
opponents stop swinging with any creatures that
wished to live until the next turn (couldn't stop
the mighty Serra Angel in her glory days though).
If you weren't packing Swords to Plowshare or
Lightning Bolt (and everybody was) this creature
could single handedly win games.
Ltd.: Anybody
drafting 4th? Seems like it'd be fun.
Anyway.....BROKED!...of course any set he's in
also has Lightning Bolt (and Serra for that
matter). Sorry, thinking about them good old days
of Magic's yester-years. Sigh.
Constructed: 4
Limited: 5 |
Danny Tatro |
Royal Assassin
This card was king back in the day. If you
played black you probably played 4 of these guys.
Nowadays its not legal so it doesn't matter. They
were good back in the day though.
In limited this thing is nuts. They either
deal with it or don't get to attack unless there
getting massive advantage anyways.
Constructed: (T1) 1.0 (back in the day 4.0)
Limited: 4.0 |

Hornberg |
Royal Assassin
This card was banned, and for good reason too.
First of all, a little math
will show you reason number one:
Dark Ritual + Royal Assassin = So Not Fair it's
not even Funny!
Second of all, he more or less says that your
largest/best creature doesn't
attack, because the second it does, it gets
killed. It also makes things
like Master Decoy, Benalish Trapper, and
Whipcorder just stupid broken.
So, it's too good, and it had to be banned.
In limited, as we've seen with cards like Rathi
Assassin and other dumbed
down versions, are very effective. This guy is
twice Rathi Assassin. 'Nuf
Constucted - 5.0/5.0
Limited - 5.0/5.0 |